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骨头能在沙漠神殿丛林神庙地牢以及林地府邸箱子里自然出现。除非你的出生点旁碰巧有一片丛林或很幸运地有一个拥有林地府邸的黑森林,你最好的办法是去找到一片沙漠或者一个地牢。在洞穴里找到一个地牢是最好的,但如果你附近没有较多的洞穴,你可以在地下采矿。不幸运的是,和平难度下刷怪箱不会生成生物。所以在和平难度下,你通过不能听僵尸骷髅蜘蛛的声音来寻找地牢。 为了找到一个沙漠神殿,你需要先找到一片沙漠,然后在附近探索。沙漠神殿的一个优点是它能在很远处被看见。但是,当找到一个可能容纳有骨头的箱子的结构时,记得一个箱子内永远不会100%地藏有骨头。

还有两种找骨头的方法。一种是通过钓鱼,如果你有一个拥有海之眷顾附魔的钓鱼竿,你有1.1%的几率获得骨头。但是,这个方法的缺点是制作钓鱼竿需要线,这通常从蜘蛛获得,但蜘蛛不会在和平难度下生存,并且通过钓鱼只有小概率获得骨头。 最后一种方法是通过需要化石,其中包含骨块。注意这只会在你需要骨粉时有用。如果你需要骨头的话,这方法不会起作用。这个方法的有点是1个骨块=9个骨粉,加之化石中通常有很多骨块。然而,化石相当的稀少,且只会在沙漠或沼泽生物群系中生成。寻找骨块的最佳方式是先寻找沼泽或沙漠,然后选择在Y坐标 = 40 - 49寻找洞穴或采用树枝采矿法(每个矿道间隔至少4个方块)。

基岩版, 所有的鱼(生物)有25%的几率掉落一根骨头。由于至少一个变种的鱼会生成在每一种类型的海洋,并且鲑鱼也能在河流中生成,这实际上使骨骼很容易获得。


尽管 末影人不会在和平难度下生成,末影珍珠能够通过其他两种方式获得。末影珍珠能够在要塞箱子以及林地府邸中找到。这两种结构都相当稀少,但林地府邸能够使用林地探险家地图找到,尽管最近的林地府邸可以相当远。你也可以从牧师村民处通过4 - 7个绿宝石交易得到末影珍珠,如果你有一个农民和一个大型的小麦农场,你可以使用小麦与农民交易获得大量的绿宝石,并由此获得很多末影珍珠。尽管由于烈焰棒的缺失使得末影珍珠不能用于合成末影之眼,末影珍珠也可以用于传送,这会在有时变得很有用。






海晶砂粒 可作为守卫者/远古守卫者的掉落物获取,也可通过破坏海晶灯获取。在和平难度下,唯一的方式是破坏海晶灯,海晶灯可以在海底遗迹中找到。这使得海晶砂粒能够在和平难度下获取。但是。海晶砂粒的唯一用处是制作海晶灯,而这又需要只能通过击杀不会在和平难度生成的守卫者获得的海晶碎片。唯一在和平难度获得海晶灯的方式是使用精准采集附魔的


Fortunately, rotten flesh is not very useful - you will be fine if you never acquire it in a Minecraft world. However, if you do have a certain purpose for rotten flesh, such as to feed your dog, it can be obtained in a few ways without killing any hostile monster. Like bones, rotten flesh can be found in desert temple chests, jungle temple chests, dungeon chests, and woodland mansion chests. Rotten flesh can also be obtained from igloo basement chests, which is useful if you have a snowy tundra or snowy taiga biome near spawn. Unfortunately, not all igloos have basements, so you may have to go through many igloos to find rotten flesh, or try to find a desert, jungle, or a dungeon. Rotten flesh also has a 1.2% chance of being obtained when fishing. However, like for bones, a fishing rod requires string, which is rather expensive when on Peaceful difficulty. However, most of the places where you can find rotten flesh, you can find string as well.


Spider eyes are usually obtained by killing spiders or witches. With these mobs unable to spawn, spider eyes are rather difficult to obtain. The only place they can be found is in the chests of desert temples. Although desert temple chests only have a 29% chance of having spider eyes, desert temples have 4 chests in them, so it is likely that one of them will have (a) spider eye(s). However, spider eyes are practically useless on Peaceful diffculty, because they can only be used to be eaten or as a potion ingredient, both of which are impossible in Peaceful.


Wet sponges can be obtained as a drop from elder guardians on Easy, Normal, or Hard, or in the sponge room(s) in ocean monuments in all difficulties, including Peaceful. Although wet sponges are technically not renewable, the primary use of sponges is to soak of water, and when they are broken, the water is still drained. Because of this and the fact that wet sponges can be cooked in a furnace to become a dry sponge all over again, sponges, despite them not being renewable, can be used an infinite number of times.

Ocean monuments are rather difficult to find, but they are easier than some other structures, like woodland mansions. There are two methods of finding ocean monuments. The cheaper but more time-consuming way is to keep looking around deep ocean biomes, until you find one. The more expensive but less time-consuming way is to acquire an ocean explorer map from a cartographer villager, and use that to locate an ocean monument. However, in addition to having to gather enough materials to trade with a cartographer villager to get the explorer map, you will have to trade all the villager's other trade options, before the ocean explorer map trade will unlock.



This is a screenshot of rotten flesh, gunpowder, string, and bones in a desert temple. Desert temples are one of the few places you can find these items on Peaceful difficulty.

String has many uses in Survival mode - it can be used to make a bow, fishing rod, lead, wool, or be used in a tripwire circuit. Although no spiders makes it harder to acquire string, there are still many ways to get some. String can be obtained by breaking cobwebs with a sword, so if you have an abandoned mineshaft near spawn, this would probably be the easiest way to acquire string.

Also, string generates as part of tripwire traps in jungle temples, generating a total of 5 string in a jungle temple. In addition, like rotten flesh, gunpowder, and bones, string can be found in the chests of desert temples, dungeons, and woodland mansions. Finally, string has a 0.6% chance of being obtained through fishing. The next paragraph shows how to acquire a fishing rod without string:

All of the crafting recipes of string, except for leads, can be obtained in some other way besides getting string. Wool, of course, can be obtained by killing or shearing sheep. A bow can be bought from Fletcher villagers for 2 to 3 emeralds, as part of their tier 2 trades. A bow by itself isn't extremely useful when in Peaceful, but it can be used to make a dispenser which can be used for many purposes. Finally, an enchanted fishing rod can be bought from Fishermen villagers for 7 to 8 emeralds, as part of their tier 2 trades. The primary use of fishing rods is to fish. Actual fish aren't useful on Peaceful difficuly, unless you want to tame an ocelot, but fishing has a chance of giving the player an enchanted book, saddle, name tag, lily pad, bone, rotten flesh, string, leather, and more. In addition, fishing can even give you an enchanted bow, or another fishing rod.

Sugar can be obtained either by crafting with sugar canes or by killing witches. Although the second option is not available on Peaceful difficulty, the first is. Simply put 1 sugar cane in the crafting area in your inventory or on a crafting table, and you will get 1 sugar.




Blaze rods can only be obtained by killing blazes, which is impossible on Peaceful difficulty. Unfortunately, blaze rods are essential to going to the End, because there is only a 1 in a trillion chance that an end portal will generate with all eyes of ender in it, and eyes of ender require blaze powder. However, brewing stands, which usually need a blaze rod to craft, can be found in igloo basements, but no potions can be brewed because they require blaze powder as fuel. Even though the player may not be able to go to the End on Peaceful difficulty, there are plenty of other things available to do in the Minecraft world.


This is one side of an igloo basement. The brewing stand can be seen in plain view. A brewing stand is the only item crafted with blaze rods that can be achieved by other means than crafting.


Ghast tears, which drop from ghasts, are used to make potions of regeneration and end crystals. Although both of these are helpful in Minecraft, neither of them could be made even if ghast tears could be obtained in some other way. This is because potions of regeneration require blaze powder to make, and end crystals require eyes of ender, both of which can't be obtained on Peaceful difficulty because of the lack of blazes.


Magma cream can either be obtained by killing magma cubes or by crafting with a slimeball and blaze powder. Sadly, slimes, blazes, and magma cubes don't spawn on Peaceful, so magma cream cannot be obtained in Peaceful difficulty. However, magma blocks can be found naturally in the Nether, in addition to being able to be crafted with magma cream. So, although magma cream itself isn't obtainable when playing in Peaceful difficulty, magma blocks are.


Prismarine shards, unfortunately, can only be obtained by killing guardians or elder guardians. However, all of the crafting recipes with prismarine shards: prismarine, dark prismarine, prismarine bricks, and sea lanterns, make up entire ocean monuments. If you are planning on getting a sea lantern, make sure you mine it with a silk touch pickaxe, because otherwise it will drop only prismarine crystals.


Shulkers have a 50% chance of dropping a shulker shell upon death. Despite the fact that shulkers actually do spawn on Peaceful difficulty, unlike most another mobs, the End cannot be accessed in Peaceful; therefore, shulker shells cannot be obtained on Peaceful difficulty. Shulker shells can be used to make a shulker box, which, although it isn't necessary for anything in Minecraft, it can be very helpful at times.

There is a very, very small chance that the End will be available on a Minecraft world, making shulkers accessible (see #Ender Dragon)




Slimeballs cannot be obtained in Peaceful difficulty, because of the lack of slimes. Although many important crafting recipes of slimeballs, including leads, magma cream, and slime blocks, can't be obtained, three sticky pistons spawn naturally in jungle temples. However, jungle temples are very rare, so make sure that if you're looting a jungle temple in Peaceful difficulty, grab all 3 sticky pistons. You will find that they are very useful in redstone contraptions.


Wither skeletons, when killed, very rarely drop a wither skeleton skull, which can be used to make the Wither boss. Unfortunately, wither skeletons don't spawn on Peaceful, and they are the only way to obtain wither skeleton skulls. The only use of wither skeleton skulls is to create the Wither. The Wither drops a nether star, which can be crafted into a beacon. This means that beacons are one of the items that cannot be obtained on Peaceful difficulty.




The ender dragon is the boss mob of the End dimension. It will drop tons of experience and a dragon egg upon death. Dragon eggs cannot be used to craft anything, but they serve as a trophy, showing that the ender dragon has been defeated. However, the End cannot be accessed on Peaceful difficulty. This is because blaze powder, which is unobtainable on Peaceful difficulty, are used to make eyes of ender, which are necessary for creating the end portal.

If you are the lucky one in a trillion and finds a end portal with all 12 slots filled (make sure to write down its coordinates!), you have found the rarest thing in Minecraft, and then the dragon will spawn when you go to the End. It cannot do damage to you but it will still knock you back, so the only things that are dangerous is that the dragon may push you into the void, and falling damage when destroying end crystals. Apart from that the fight should be easy. You can also use the end gateway portal and you will be able to access the End as much as you want. However, end crystals cannot be obtained in Peaceful so you cannot respawn the dragon.

Here is a seed that has a completed end portal upon creation of the world: 95148563599334434. Coordinates: x:450 z:-2260. This is the only way to beat Minecraft in peaceful mode.


Evokers live in Woodland Mansions, which are very rare. They are dangerous in Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulties, but can't damage the player if the player is on Peaceful difficulty. Evokers drop very rare items upon death: 0 - 1 emeralds, and even more useful, a totem of undying. If the player dies while holding a totem of undying, that player will not die, but instead have half a heart, and quickly regenerate to full health.


All llama swag patterns


Llamas are technically tamable mobs, but they are also neutral mobs, as they will spit at the player, dealing a half of a heart of damage, if attacked by the player. They are the only mob in the game that will do damage to the player on Peaceful difficulty. However, this can easily be avoided, as llamas only drop leather upon death, which are also a drop from both cows and horses. Llamas can be equipped with a chest for storage, and they can be equipped with a carpet for decoration. Llamas will only spawn in savanna and mountains biomes.


Polar bears are the only neutral mobs that spawn on Peaceful difficulty. If a player aggravates a polar bear, that polar bear will become hostile towards the player. However, if the player's on Peaceful difficulty, the polar bear can't inflict any damage. Polar bears drop raw fish and raw salmon when killed, as well as experience. These can be nice if you happen to have a nearby snow biome, but otherwise, you can obtain fish by fishing, and experience by killing nearly any type of mob.


Shulkers spawn in the End on all difficulties, but will not inflict damage on Peaceful difficulty. Shulkers will drop shulker shells upon death, which can be very useful because of the fact that they can be made into shulker boxes. However, like the ender dragon, they cannot be accessed on Peaceful difficulty without cheats, because of the fact that the End cannot be accessed in Peaceful.


On high difficulty levels, vindicators deal the most damage of any mob, with the exception of creepers and charged creepers. However, like Evokers, they do not attack players when on Peaceful difficulty, but they will still be hostile towards villagers, just like they are on other difficulties. Vindicators have a high chance of dropping an emerald upon death, and they also have a lesser chance of dropping their iron axe.

Wolves usually just ignore the player, unless attacked, in which they will become hostile towards whoever attacked them. On Peaceful difficulty, they will charge at the player, but will be unable to inflict any damage, similar to polar bears. Wolves only drop experience upon death, but they can also be tamed with bones. Tamed wolves will follow the player unless told to sit, and will attack any mobs that attack the player, or if the player attacks them, with the exception of creepers, ghasts, and horses.

