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第7行: 第7行:
* '''农民''' - 你可以用农作物跟他们换绿宝石。最好是种植[[胡萝卜]]和[[马铃薯]]并与农民交易,because using fortune on the crop gives more carrots and potatoes respectively。这在[[小麦]]或[[甜菜根]]上不起作用,因为它们只会掉更多的[[种子]]而不是其本身。他们也会收购易于自动化种植的[[教程/西瓜和南瓜种植|南瓜和西瓜]]。学徒级别的农民有时也会出售[[苹果]],其可用于合成[[金苹果]]。这可以为玩家治愈[[僵尸村民]]提供原料,玩家也可以在紧急情况下吃掉它以维持生命。大师级别的农民也出售[[金胡萝卜]]和[[闪烁的西瓜片]],这能使玩家在节省自己的黄金储备时也能提供足够的[[药水酿造|酿造]]原料。
* '''农民''' - 你可以用农作物跟他们换绿宝石。最好是种植[[胡萝卜]]和[[马铃薯]]并与农民交易,because using fortune on the crop gives more carrots and potatoes respectively。这在[[小麦]]或[[甜菜根]]上不起作用,因为它们只会掉更多的[[种子]]而不是其本身。他们也会收购易于自动化种植的[[教程/西瓜和南瓜种植|南瓜和西瓜]]。学徒级别的农民有时也会出售[[苹果]],其可用于合成[[金苹果]]。这可以为玩家治愈[[僵尸村民]]提供原料,玩家也可以在紧急情况下吃掉它以维持生命。大师级别的农民也出售[[金胡萝卜]]和[[闪烁的西瓜片]],这能使玩家在节省自己的黄金储备时也能提供足够的[[药水酿造|酿造]]原料。
* '''渔夫''' - 对初玩者来说,渔夫的[[交易|交易选项]]相对较贵,因为新手等级的渔夫会收购[[线]]或[[煤炭]]。不过,他们也会给你卖熟[[鱼]]和[[营火]]。大师等级的渔夫会以一个[[船]]换一个绿宝石的价格交易,这意味着你能只用两个[[原木]]就换一个绿宝石。另外地,3个绿宝石能换一个[[鳕鱼桶]],要知道一个[[桶]]的价格远远不止3个绿宝石。你甚至能从他们那儿换来附魔的[[钓鱼竿]]。
* '''渔夫''' - 对初玩者来说,渔夫的[[交易|交易选项]]相对较贵,因为新手等级的渔夫会收购[[线]]或[[煤炭]]。不过,他们也会给你卖熟[[鱼]]和[[营火]]。大师等级的渔夫会以一个[[船]]换一个绿宝石的价格交易,这意味着你能只用两个[[原木]]就换一个绿宝石。另外地,3个绿宝石能换一个[[鳕鱼桶]],要知道一个[[桶]]的价格远远不止3个绿宝石。你甚至能从他们那儿换来附魔的[[钓鱼竿]]。
* '''图书管理员''' - 如果你还没有一个较好的[[教程/甘蔗种植|甘蔗农场]],你就不能很好地与图书管理员进行大量关于[[纸]]的交易。但是,一个图书管理员会售出至多3本对早期生存来说非常有用的[[附魔书]]。你可以在[[铁砧]]上[[附魔]]工具,或者用[[砂轮]]去除它们的附魔以获取[[经验值|经验]]。其用处甚至可以在后期生存中发挥更大作用,因为图书管理员会出售带有[[宝藏附魔]]或其他难以持续获得的附魔的附魔书,比如说[[荆棘]]III。At journeyman level they provide an easy source of glass, which a player can take for decoration, or, if they have large enough discounts, craft into panes and bottles and sell to cartographers and clerics respectively at a profit.
* '''图书管理员''' - 如果你还没有一个较好的[[教程/甘蔗种植|甘蔗农场]],你就不能很好地与图书管理员进行大量关于[[纸]]的交易。但是,一个图书管理员会售出至多3本对早期生存来说非常有用的[[附魔书]]。你可以在[[铁砧]]上[[附魔]]工具,或者用[[砂轮]]去除它们的附魔以获取[[经验值|经验]]。其用处甚至可以在后期生存中发挥更大作用,因为图书管理员会出售带有宝藏附魔或其他难以持续获得的附魔的附魔书,比如说[[荆棘]]III。老手等级的图书管理员会出售[[玻璃]],其可用于装饰。如果他们出售玻璃的价格比较低,你甚至可以将其合成为[[玻璃板]]和[[玻璃瓶]],然后用它们跟制图师和牧师换绿宝石,你也许可以从中赚取差价。
* '''牧师''' - 牧师出售exotic的物品,比如说[[红石粉]]、[[青金石]]、[[萤石]]以及[[附魔之瓶]]。他们也收购[[腐肉]],这样你那些堆在箱子里的腐肉有了它们的去处。不过,特别是对于处于早期生存的玩家来说,牧师并不是一个很好的绿宝石来源。想大量获得学徒和大师等级的牧师收购的[[金锭]]和[[地狱疣]]并不容易。此外,与其与牧师交易金锭,不如把它用在与猪灵[[教程/以物易物|以物易物]]上。
* '''牧师''' - Clerics sell exotic items, such as redstone, lapis lazuli, glowstone, and bottles of enchanting. They buy rotten flesh, which is a good way of getting rid of your accumulated rotten flesh. Clerics aren't a very good source of emeralds, especially in the early game, due to the difficulties associated with farming gold and nether wart. Furthermore, selling gold to clerics diverts it from potential use in bartering farms.
* '''石匠''' - 石匠收购[[黏土块]]、[[石头]]以及其他诸如[[花岗岩]]的[[岩石]]。你可以通过花掉你采矿时产生的大量[[圆石]]来获取大量绿宝石。当然,如果黏土块和其他岩石对你来说很有用处,不要和石匠换那么多,as other rocks are hard to farm until you have a bartering farm since you need quartz to craft other rocks. Clay is not renewable in BE, and it is hard to farm in Java edition. If you don't have a clay farm or dyes, stone masons can also sell colored or glazed terracotta for decorative use.
* '''石匠''' - 石匠收购[[黏土块]]、[[石头]]以及其他诸如[[花岗岩]]的[[岩石]]。你可以通过花掉你采矿时产生的大量[[圆石]]来获取大量绿宝石。当然,如果黏土块和其他岩石对你来说很有用处,不要和石匠换那么多,毕竟在你拥有一个[[教程/以物易物|以物易物农场]]前你可能需要一些[[下界石英]]来合成其他岩石。黏土块在Java版里不容易无限地获取,在基岩版里不可再生。If you don't have a clay farm or dyes, stone masons can also sell colored or glazed terracotta for decorative use.
* '''牧羊人''' - Shepherds have one of the cheapest job site blocks. They sell one colored wool for 1 emerald, and you have a chance of getting brown, black, or white wool, which you need to give the villager 18 to get one emerald. Their best use would be buying shears, which cost 2 emeralds. You can also sell dye, which is easy to obtain if you have a large supply of bonemeal or a flower or even squid farm.
* '''牧羊人''' - Shepherds have one of the cheapest job site blocks. They sell one colored wool for 1 emerald, and you have a chance of getting brown, black, or white wool, which you need to give the villager 18 to get one emerald. Their best use would be buying shears, which cost 2 emeralds. You can also sell dye, which is easy to obtain if you have a large supply of bonemeal or a flower or even squid farm.
* '''皮匠''' - Leatherworkers generally offer bad trades, selling leather armor for an expensive price. However, they will sell a saddle at master level, and they are a good way to offload excess leather, which can be particularly useful if you have cow or hoglin farms which produce it as a byproduct.
* '''皮匠''' - Leatherworkers generally offer bad trades, selling leather armor for an expensive price. However, they will sell a saddle at master level, and they are a good way to offload excess leather, which can be particularly useful if you have cow or hoglin farms which produce it as a byproduct.
* '''制图师''' - Cartographers buy paper and glass panes. Glass panes are easy to get if you have a auto smelter and a highly enchanted shovel. They also sell banner patterns, and explorer maps.
* '''制图师''' - 制图师收购[[玻璃板]]和[[纸]]。Glass panes are easy to get if you have a auto smelter and a highly enchanted shovel. They also sell banner patterns, and explorer maps.
* '''制箭师''' - Fletchers are a good source of low-cost emeralds, because fletchers buy 32 sticks for one emerald. That is, four logs crafted into sticks can get you one emerald. They also sell arrows, enchanted bows, and crossbows.
* '''制箭师''' - Fletchers are a good source of low-cost emeralds, because fletchers buy 32 sticks for one emerald. That is, four logs crafted into sticks can get you one emerald. They also sell arrows, enchanted bows, and crossbows.
* '''Blacksmith''' - The three professions below belong in this category. They buy the same things coal, iron, diamond, and lava, and they all sell bells. In the early game they can't be depended on for getting emeralds, since coal and iron are hard to farm, and diamond and lava are nonrenewable (Only >1.17). If you do have an iron farm, however, these villagers can become a strong supplier of emeralds.
* '''Blacksmith''' - The three professions below belong in this category. They buy the same things coal, iron, diamond, and lava, and they all sell bells. In the early game they can't be depended on for getting emeralds, since coal and iron are hard to farm, and diamond and lava are nonrenewable (Only >1.17). If you do have an iron farm, however, these villagers can become a strong supplier of emeralds.
第23行: 第23行:
Even though you can simply create long, utilitarian halls with villagers locked up inside, you can design your trading halls to make them look nicer. Here are a few suggestions:
Even though you can simply create long, utilitarian halls with villagers locked up inside, you can design your trading halls to make them look nicer. Here are a few suggestions:
* '''农民''' - Make a barn and build the long hall inside. Give the villagers some crops and farmland. Sort them so you know which villager sells/buys what. You can also give your farmers more freedom, or have your farmer trading location double as an automated [[Tutorials/Crop farming|crop farm]]. Have one area with beds, and another area with farmland, crops, and composters. Make sure the villagers buy the crops you want. Break and replace the composter until you get the trade you want. If you traded with that villager, he cannot change his trades. Have private farms outside the farmers' pen, and use those to get crops and sell them for emeralds.
* '''农民''' - Make a barn and build the long hall inside. Give the villagers some crops and farmland. Sort them so you know which villager sells/buys what. You can also give your farmers more freedom, or have your farmer trading location double as an automated [[教程/农作物种植|crop farm]]. Have one area with beds, and another area with farmland, crops, and composters. Make sure the villagers buy the crops you want. Break and replace the composter until you get the trade you want. If you traded with that villager, he cannot change his trades. Have private farms outside the farmers' pen, and use those to get crops and sell them for emeralds.
* '''屠夫''' - Build a butcher's shop. Have a row of smokers and a row of holes for you to trade with them. Build a roof, add counters, and add a chimney. Have item frames with axes/swords (knives) above the holes inside the trading hall. Have animal pens behind of the buildings.
* '''屠夫''' - Build a butcher's shop. Have a row of smokers and a row of holes for you to trade with them. Build a roof, add counters, and add a chimney. Have item frames with axes/swords (knives) above the holes inside the trading hall. Have animal pens behind of the buildings.
* '''渔夫''' - Build multiple docks each with a bed and barrel and bridges connecting them, or you can build one giant dock with many beds/barrels. Make sure the villagers can't fall into water.
* '''渔夫''' - Build multiple docks each with a bed and barrel and bridges connecting them, or you can build one giant dock with many beds/barrels. Make sure the villagers can't fall into water.

2021年1月21日 (四) 10:42的版本

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  • 屠夫 - 如果你有一个牧场,他们对你来说是非常方便的,因为你可以用生肉跟他们换绿宝石。他们也收购易于通过种植获得的干海带块以及甜莓。如果你不想烧煤炭熔岩以及木板来获得熟肉的话,你也能通过跟他们交易获得。
  • 农民 - 你可以用农作物跟他们换绿宝石。最好是种植胡萝卜马铃薯并与农民交易,because using fortune on the crop gives more carrots and potatoes respectively。这在小麦甜菜根上不起作用,因为它们只会掉更多的种子而不是其本身。他们也会收购易于自动化种植的南瓜和西瓜。学徒级别的农民有时也会出售苹果,其可用于合成金苹果。这可以为玩家治愈僵尸村民提供原料,玩家也可以在紧急情况下吃掉它以维持生命。大师级别的农民也出售金胡萝卜闪烁的西瓜片,这能使玩家在节省自己的黄金储备时也能提供足够的酿造原料。
  • 渔夫 - 对初玩者来说,渔夫的交易选项相对较贵,因为新手等级的渔夫会收购线煤炭。不过,他们也会给你卖熟营火。大师等级的渔夫会以一个换一个绿宝石的价格交易,这意味着你能只用两个原木就换一个绿宝石。另外地,3个绿宝石能换一个鳕鱼桶,要知道一个的价格远远不止3个绿宝石。你甚至能从他们那儿换来附魔的钓鱼竿
  • 图书管理员 - 如果你还没有一个较好的甘蔗农场,你就不能很好地与图书管理员进行大量关于的交易。但是,一个图书管理员会售出至多3本对早期生存来说非常有用的附魔书。你可以在铁砧附魔工具,或者用砂轮去除它们的附魔以获取经验。其用处甚至可以在后期生存中发挥更大作用,因为图书管理员会出售带有宝藏附魔或其他难以持续获得的附魔的附魔书,比如说荆棘III。老手等级的图书管理员会出售玻璃,其可用于装饰。如果他们出售玻璃的价格比较低,你甚至可以将其合成为玻璃板玻璃瓶,然后用它们跟制图师和牧师换绿宝石,你也许可以从中赚取差价。
  • 牧师 - 牧师出售exotic的物品,比如说红石粉青金石萤石以及附魔之瓶。他们也收购腐肉,这样你那些堆在箱子里的腐肉有了它们的去处。不过,特别是对于处于早期生存的玩家来说,牧师并不是一个很好的绿宝石来源。想大量获得学徒和大师等级的牧师收购的金锭地狱疣并不容易。此外,与其与牧师交易金锭,不如把它用在与猪灵以物易物上。
  • 石匠 - 石匠收购黏土块石头以及其他诸如花岗岩岩石。你可以通过花掉你采矿时产生的大量圆石来获取大量绿宝石。当然,如果黏土块和其他岩石对你来说很有用处,不要和石匠换那么多,毕竟在你拥有一个以物易物农场前你可能需要一些下界石英来合成其他岩石。黏土块在Java版里不容易无限地获取,在基岩版里不可再生。If you don't have a clay farm or dyes, stone masons can also sell colored or glazed terracotta for decorative use.
  • 牧羊人 - Shepherds have one of the cheapest job site blocks. They sell one colored wool for 1 emerald, and you have a chance of getting brown, black, or white wool, which you need to give the villager 18 to get one emerald. Their best use would be buying shears, which cost 2 emeralds. You can also sell dye, which is easy to obtain if you have a large supply of bonemeal or a flower or even squid farm.
  • 皮匠 - Leatherworkers generally offer bad trades, selling leather armor for an expensive price. However, they will sell a saddle at master level, and they are a good way to offload excess leather, which can be particularly useful if you have cow or hoglin farms which produce it as a byproduct.
  • 制图师 - 制图师收购玻璃板。Glass panes are easy to get if you have a auto smelter and a highly enchanted shovel. They also sell banner patterns, and explorer maps.
  • 制箭师 - Fletchers are a good source of low-cost emeralds, because fletchers buy 32 sticks for one emerald. That is, four logs crafted into sticks can get you one emerald. They also sell arrows, enchanted bows, and crossbows.
  • Blacksmith - The three professions below belong in this category. They buy the same things coal, iron, diamond, and lava, and they all sell bells. In the early game they can't be depended on for getting emeralds, since coal and iron are hard to farm, and diamond and lava are nonrenewable (Only >1.17). If you do have an iron farm, however, these villagers can become a strong supplier of emeralds.
    • 工具匠 - Sells stone, iron, and enchanted diamond tools. They always sell an enchanted diamond pickaxe at master level.
    • 武器匠 - Sells iron and enchanted diamond swords and axes.
    • 盔甲匠 - Sells iron, chainmail, and diamond armor. The diamond armor is enchanted, and you will get up to two different pieces. Chainmail boots and helmets cost one emerald. When combined with the fletcher's stick trade, or the fisherman's boat trade, you can convert 2-4 wood logs into iron by selling a boat or 32 sticks for an emerald, then buying chainmail boots/helmet and smelting it into a nugget.


Even though you can simply create long, utilitarian halls with villagers locked up inside, you can design your trading halls to make them look nicer. Here are a few suggestions:

  • 农民 - Make a barn and build the long hall inside. Give the villagers some crops and farmland. Sort them so you know which villager sells/buys what. You can also give your farmers more freedom, or have your farmer trading location double as an automated crop farm. Have one area with beds, and another area with farmland, crops, and composters. Make sure the villagers buy the crops you want. Break and replace the composter until you get the trade you want. If you traded with that villager, he cannot change his trades. Have private farms outside the farmers' pen, and use those to get crops and sell them for emeralds.
  • 屠夫 - Build a butcher's shop. Have a row of smokers and a row of holes for you to trade with them. Build a roof, add counters, and add a chimney. Have item frames with axes/swords (knives) above the holes inside the trading hall. Have animal pens behind of the buildings.
  • 渔夫 - Build multiple docks each with a bed and barrel and bridges connecting them, or you can build one giant dock with many beds/barrels. Make sure the villagers can't fall into water.
  • 图书管理员 - Build a library. Don't forget your building style. Include rows of bookshelves, chests with book and quills, and most importantly, the librarians. Build the long trading hallway in the library. Use bookshelves and oak fences.
  • 牧师 - Make an exotic items shop with a counter for the clerics. Mushrooms, fungus, chorus trees, or many of the items sold by wandering traders can be used to adorn it. If you really want to go the extra mile you can add pens or cages for brewing-related mobs such as zombies, pufferfish, or turtles, or merely exotic ones such as mooshrooms or striders. Consider including stained glass similar to naturally generated temples. Alternatively, you can build a bar in a restaurant, perhaps with butchers working there too. (Clerics sell Bottles of Enchanting, which look like potions). Don't forget the brewing stands and beds. Make sure the villagers cannot escape.
  • 石匠 - Try building mine shacks and have the stone masons work there, or employing them in the blacksmith. (For stone used to make stone tools).
  • 皮匠与牧羊人 - Put them in a clothes shop, or have the leatherworker work in a stable (saddles). You can also have shepherds operate a sheep farm.
  • 制图师 - Build a building with a giant compass on the roof. Make it a map factory, or cover the walls with clones of your maps set in item frames. Thematically this makes a great location for a lodestone. Lock up cartographers and make them trade with you.
  • 制箭师 - Build a building with a giant bow and arrow symbol. It can be a fletching factory. Have bow/arrow production machines (won't do anything except decoration). You could even try building a connected archery range, with a fenced perimeter and target blocks.
  • Blacksmith - Build a blacksmith like the one in the village, but much bigger. Have an auto-smelter for decoration, and have smooth stone slab counters. If you have a lot of iron, consider placing one or more anvils. Place the blast furnaces, grindstones, and smithing tables for the villagers to use.