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Bedrock Loading Screen


加载提示(Loading Tips)基岩版原主机版在加载世界时显示的一段提示语。








# 文本 游戏内中文翻译 备注
1 Use seagrass to attract and breed sea turtles. 用海草来吸引和喂养[原文如此]海龟。 繁殖
2 Protect baby turtles from hostile mobs! 保护小海龟免受有敌意生物的伤害!
3 Baby turtles will drop scutes when they grow - these can be crafted into turtle shells. 小海龟在生长时会掉落鳞甲——这些鳞甲可以用来合成海龟壳。
4 Use a bed to set your respawn point during the day. 使用床来设置您在白天的重生点。[原文如此] 应译作“使用床以在白天设置你的重生点。”
5 Brew some water breathing potions for underwater exploration! 为水下探险酿造一些水下呼吸药水[原文如此] 水肺药水
6 Dolphins can lead you to shipwrecks and underwater ruins, feed them cod and follow their trail! 海豚可以将您领向沉船和水下废墟,喂它们鳕鱼并跟随它们的踪迹!
7 Use shears to carve a pumpkin. 用剪刀来雕刻南瓜。
8 Use phantom membranes to repair your elytra. 使用幻翼膜来修理您的鞘翅。  
9 There are 3587 types of tropical fish! 有 3587 种热带鱼!
10 Sea pickles can be smelted into lime green dye. 海泡菜可被熔炼成浅黄绿色染料[原文如此] 黄绿色染料
11 Use haybales to breed Llamas! 用干草[原文如此]喂养羊驼! 干草捆
12 Compasses always point to the world spawn - craft one to find your way!

Compasses always point to a Lodestone or the world spawn - craft one to find your way!

Compasses point to the world spawn - craft one to find your way back!



指南针指向世界生成[原文如此] —— 合成一个来为您指明回去的路!

13 trade with villagers to obtain food, tools, and even treasure maps! 与村民进行交易,以获得食物、工具,乃至藏宝图!
14 Did you know you can hold a map in your off-hand? 您知道您可以随手[原文如此]拿着地图吗? 副手
15 Leads can be used on boats. 可以在船上使用引线[原文如此] 应译作“拴绳可以系在船上”。
16 Sneak or wear frost walker boots to walk safely on magma blocks. 进行潜行或者穿着冰霜行者靴以便在岩浆块上安全地行走。
17 You can gather cob webs using shears. 您可以用剪刀收集蜘蛛网。
18 Need diamonds? try mining on Y coordinate 12!

Need diamonds? Try mining on Y coordinate 11!

Need diamonds? They get more common as you go deeper.

需要钻石吗?尝试在 Y 坐标 12 上开采!

需要钻石吗?尝试在 Y 坐标 11 上开采!


19 Before you mine diamonds, redstone or gold, make sure you're using an iron or diamond pickaxe or the ore won't drop.

Before you mine diamonds, redstone or gold, make sure you're using an iron, diamond, or netherite pickaxe or the ore won't drop.



20 Need coal for torches or fuel? try smelting wood logs in a furnace to make charcoal! 需要煤做火把或者燃料?试着在熔炉里冶炼木头[原文如此]来制作木炭吧! 原木
21 Gold is more abundant in Mesa biomes! 黄金在荒地[原文如此]生物群系中储量较为丰富! 恶地
22 Elytra can be used to glide, find them in End City ships! 鞘翅可以用来滑翔,它们会出现在末地之城[原文如此]的船中! 末地城
23 Test out some new features by turning on the Experimental Gameplay option! 通过打开实验性游戏内容选项来测试一些新的功能!
24 tridents are dropped by the Drowned, and can be held or thrown. 三叉戟由溺尸掉落,可以被握住或投掷。  
25 Check out mixer.com/minecraft to watch the latest Minecraft livestreams. 访问 mixer.com/minecraft,观看最新的《我的世界》直播。 该提示于1.16.100.54被有关繁殖疣猪兽的提示替代。
26 You can smelt 20 items in a furnace by using a block of dried kelp as fuel. 您可以用一个干海带方块作为燃料,在熔炉里冶炼 20 个物品。
27 Monsters that are killed by skeletons arrows have a chance of dropping music discs.

Creepers that are killed by skeletons' arrows have a chance of dropping music discs.



28 People like YOU make Marketplace content! 正是像您这样的人创造了市场中的内容!
29 Did you know that several community creators make a living off the content in the Marketplace? 您知道吗?有几个社区创建者靠市场上的内容为生。
30 You can find skins to customize your experience in-game, or on select platforms use your own! 您可以找到皮肤来自定义您的游戏内体验,或在所选择的平台上使用您自己的皮肤!
31 Texture packs change the way that blocks, items, and even the menus look in game. try them out! 材质包[原文如此]会改变游戏中方块、物品甚至菜单的外观。试试吧! 基岩版仍在使用纹理包的旧译。
32 Check out the Marketplace to find new worlds and adventures. 访问市场,发现新的世界和冒险。
33 Apply to become a Marketplace Creator! 申请成为一名市场创建者!
34 Mash-up packs come with a world to explore, skins, textures, and even new music. 混搭包各包含了一个可供探索的世界,多种皮肤以及材质[原文如此],乃至新的音乐。 纹理的旧译。
35 Did you know there are over 500 community-created Marketplace packs with more added every week? 您知道吗?市场内由社区创建的包有 500 多种,并且每周都有新的加入其中。
36 Join the discussion at discord.gg/Minecraft 加入 discord.gg/Minecraft 上的讨论
37 Emerald ores are the rarest ores in Minecraft! They can only be found in extreme hill biomes!

Emerald ores are the rarest ores in Minecraft! They can only be found in mountains and meadows!



38 Taming a skeleton horse doesn't require a saddle. 驯服骷髅马时无需马鞍。
39 Ocelots show creepers who's boss! 豹猫会让苦力怕知道谁才是老大!
40 Diorite, you either love it or hate it. 闪长岩是一种会让您对它非爱即恨的东西。
41 Phantoms are dangerous mobs that appear during the night. Make sure to sleep regularly! 幻翼是会在夜间出现的危险生物。您得确保自己有规律的睡眠!  
42 Zombies turn into drowned if they sink underwater. 僵尸会在沉入水下时变成溺尸。  
43 MINECON takes place every year! Look out for the next one! 《我的世界 Live》[原文如此]每年都有!请关注下一届! Minecraft Live
44 Using fireworks boosts elytra speed in mid air. Just... make sure they don't explode, otherwise it'll hurt BADLY! 使用焰火[原文如此]会提高鞘翅在半空中的速度。只要……确保它们不爆炸就好,否则会让您疼得够呛! 烟花火箭
45 Gold is most common in mesa biomes.

Gold is most common in the Nether and Badlands biomes.



46 Do people actually read these? 真得[原文如此]有人会看这些吗?  
47 Infinite wonders, Endless possibilities. 无限的奇迹,无尽的可能。
49 Sprint in water to swim! 在水中冲刺以游泳!
50 Riptide enchantment will propel you through the air in the rain. 激流附魔将在雨中推动您穿过空气。  
51 Minecraft Live is a worldwide interactive live-streaming event. Grab your items and join the party! 《我的世界 Live》[原文如此]是一项全球性的互动直播活动。带上您的物品,加入我们的派对吧! Minecraft Live
52 Be nice to animals! 对动物友善点!
53 The Beacon is a powerful item that can only be crafted with a nether star from the Wither! 信标是一种强大的物品,只能用一颗来自凋灵的下界之星来合成!  
54 Don't kill dolphins, you monster! 别杀海豚,你这个怪物!
55 Did you know that nether stars can't be destroyed by explosions? 您知道吗?下界之星是不会被爆炸摧毁的。  
56 When digging straight up, place a torch at your feet to break any sand or gravel that could potentially fall down on you. 当您直接向上挖的时候,在您的脚边放一个火把,打破任何可能掉到您身上的沙子或砂砾[原文如此] 沙砾。应译作“当你垂直向上挖掘时,在你的脚边放一个火把即可破坏任何可能会掉在你身上的沙子或沙砾。”



# 文本 游戏内中文翻译 备注
25 You can breed Hoglins with Crimson Fungus, but it is dangerous! 你可以使用绯红菌饲养疣猪兽,但绯红菌很危险![原文如此] “Breed”应指繁殖
57 You can barter with Piglins. 你可以与猪灵交换物品[原文如此] 以物易物
58 Shear a Beehive or nest to get Honeycomb, useBottle to get honey. 修剪蜂箱或蜂巢以获得蜜脾,并使用瓶子获取蜂蜜  
59 Place a Campfire under a Beehive or nest to harvest honey peacefully. Your bees will thank you. 将营火放置在蜂箱或蜂巢下,以和平的方式收获蜂蜜。蜜蜂们会感谢你的。  
60 Respawning in the Nether requires a charged Respawn Anchor. 在下界重生需要充能的重生锚
61 You can charge a Respawn Anchor with Glowstone. 你可以使用荧石为重生锚充能
62 Got an idea? Visit feedback.minecraft.net! 有想法?赶快访问 feedback.minecraft.net!
63 Allays can be found in Pillager Outposts and Woodland Mansions. 悦灵可以在掠夺者前哨[原文如此]和林地府邸找到。 掠夺者前哨站
64 The Allay loves to collect items! If you give it a certain item it will try to collect more of it. 悦灵喜欢收集物品!如果给它一个特定的物品,它会试图收集更多的物品。
65 Allays love music and therefore interact with Noteblocks! 悦灵热爱音乐,因此会与音符盒互动!
66 Ancient cities can be found under mountain ranges. 古城[原文如此]可以在山脉之下找到。 远古城市
67 When wandering in Deep Dark, silence is key. 在漆黑[原文如此]中徘徊时,沉默[原文如此]是关键。 深暗之域、保持安静。
68 Use a water bottle on a dirt block to get mud! 在泥土方块上使用水瓶来获得泥浆[原文如此] 泥巴
69 Frogs eat small and blocky mobs. 青蛙吃小型方块生物。
70 Frogs pick a variant based on the temperature of the biome the tadpole grow up in. 青蛙根据蝌蚪生长的生物群系的温度选择一种变体[原文如此] 变种。
71 You can collect tadpoles in buckets. 您可以在桶[原文如此]中收集蝌蚪。 铁桶
72 Explore structures throughout the Minecraft world to find smithing templates to trim your armor pieces. 探索整个《我的世界》世界中的建筑,找到锻造模板来装饰你的盔甲部件。
73 Need more smithing templates? Try to copy them. 需要更多锻造模板?尝试复制它们。
74 The sniffer egg seems to like moss blocks. 嗅探兽蛋似乎喜欢苔藓块。
75 Mob heads make sounds, try them out on note blocks! 生物头[原文如此]能发出声音,在音符盒上尝试一下! 生物头颅
76 Some sand might be suspicious. Use your brush on it to find some good stuff! 有些沙子可能很可疑。用你的画笔[原文如此]在上面刷,找到一些好东西! 刷子
77 Two players can ride together on a camel. 两个玩家可以一起骑骆驼。
78 The camels jump... horizontally! 骆驼水平跳...![原文如此] 这句话原文强调的是骆驼与马不同,并不能跳过较高的障碍物,但是可以通过冲刺在水平方向上越过较大的一段距离。



# 文本 游戏内中文翻译 备注
1 You can change the look of your character with a Skin Pack from the Store. Select 'Store' on the Main Menu to see what's available. 您可以使用商店中的皮肤包更改您的角色形象。在主菜单上选择“商店”以查看可用的皮肤。
2 Iron golems will fight for you! 铁傀儡将为您而战!
3 Alter the brightness setting to make the game brighter or darker. 更改亮度设置,使游戏更亮或更暗。
4 If you set the game difficulty to Peaceful, your health will automatically regenerate, and no monsters will come out at night! 如果您将游戏难度设置为“和平”,您的生命值将自动恢复,怪物也不会在夜晚出现!
5 Feed a bone to a wolf to tame it. You can then make it sit or follow you. 您可以通过喂骨头驯服狼,让它坐下或跟随您移动。
6 Wearing a pumpkin on your head will keep Endermen from attacking you. 在头上套上南瓜可以防止末影人攻击您。
7 Sleeping in a bed at night will fast forward the game to dawn, but all players in a multiplayer game need to sleep in beds at the same time. 如果晚上上床睡觉,游戏会快进到黎明,但是需要多人游戏中的所有玩家同时上床睡觉。
8 Harvest food from pigs, cows, sheep, rabbit, and chickens. Cook and eat it to regain health! 从猪、牛、羊、兔子和鸡身上收集食材。烹饪之后吃掉以恢复生命值!
9 Harvest leather from cows, and use it to make armor and books. 从牛身上收集皮革,用它来制作盔甲和书。
10 If you have an empty bucket, you can fill it with water, lava, or milk from a cow! 如果您有空桶,请用水、岩浆[原文如此]或牛奶填满它! 熔岩
11 Use a hoe to prepare areas of ground for planting. 用锄头开垦种植区域。
12 Spiders won't attack you during the day - unless you attack them. 蜘蛛不会在白天攻击您,除非您先攻击它们。
13 Feeding an animal will keep it from despawning. Build a pen to keep your animals safe. 给动物喂食可防止其消失。构建一道围栏可保护动物的安全。
14 Eating cooked food reduces hunger better than eating raw food. 吃烹饪过的食材比吃生的食材能更好地减少饥饿感。
15 Craft torches to light up dark areas. Monsters lurk in the darkness! 制作出火把照亮黑暗的区域。怪物潜伏在黑暗之中!
16 Get to destinations faster with a minecart and rail! 使用矿车和铁轨可加速到达目的地!
17 Plant some saplings and they'll grow into trees. 种植一些树苗,它们会长成大树。
18 Pigmen won't attack you - unless you attack them. 猪人不会攻击您,除非您先攻击它们。
19 You can change your game spawn point, and skip to dawn by sleeping in a bed. 您可以更改游戏出生点并可通过上床睡觉快进到黎明。
20 Hit those fireballs back at the Ghast! 将那些火球弹回去攻击恶魂!
21 Building a portal will allow you to travel to another dimension - The Nether. 通过建造传送门,您可以进入另一个维度:下界。
22 Use the right tool for the job! Digging dirt with a shovel is much faster than using a pickaxe! 使用合适的工具进行这项工作!使用锹挖土要比使用镐快得多!
23 If you can't find any coal for your torches, you can always make charcoal from trees in a furnace. 如果找不到煤炭来制作火把,您随时可以用熔炉将树木烧成木炭。
24 Digging straight down or straight up is not a great idea. 一直往下或往上挖不是个好主意。
25 Bonemeal (crafted from a Skeleton bone) can be used as a fertilizer and can make things grow instantly! 骨粉(用骷髅骨头制成)可以作为肥料使用,具有瞬间生长的效果!
26 Creepers explode when they get close to you! 爬行者[原文如此]在接近您时会发生爆炸! 苦力怕的旧译。
27 Obsidian is created when water hits a lava source block. 用水冲击岩浆[原文如此]源块会生成黑曜石。 熔岩
28 If the source block for water or lava is removed, it will stop the flow completely. 如果移除水或岩浆[原文如此]的源块,它将完全停止流动。 熔岩
29 Cobblestone is resistant to Ghast fireballs, making it useful for guarding portals. 圆石可以抵抗恶魂火球,可用于保护传送门。
30 Blocks that can be used as a light source will melt snow and ice. This includes torches, glowstones, and Jack-O-Lanterns. 可以作为光源使用的方块会融化冰雪,其中包括火把、萤石[原文如此]和南瓜灯。 荧石
31 Take caution when building structures made of wool out in the open, as lightning from thunderstorms can set wool on fire. 在户外建造羊毛建筑时要小心,因为雷暴引发的闪电会让羊毛着火。
32 A single bucket of lava can be used in a furnace to smelt 100 blocks. 可将一桶岩浆[原文如此]倒入熔炉熔炼成 100 个方块。 熔岩
33 The instrument played by a note block depends on the material beneath it. 音符盒使用的乐器取决于其下方的材料。
34 Zombies and Skeletons can survive daylight if they are in water or wearing a helmet. 如果僵尸和骷髅呆在水里或戴着头盔,它们在日光下也可存活。
35 Attacking a wolf will cause any wolves in the immediate vicinity to turn hostile and attack you. This trait is also shared by Zombie Pigmen. 如果您攻击一匹狼,其附近的所有狼都会转而攻击您。僵尸猪人也有此特征。
36 Wolves and Iron Golems won't attack Creepers. 狼和铁傀儡不会攻击爬行者[原文如此] 苦力怕的旧译。
37 Chickens lay an egg every 5 to 10 minutes. 鸡每 5 到 10 分钟下一个蛋。
38 Obsidian can only be mined with a diamond pickaxe. 黑曜石只能用钻石镐开采。
39 Creepers are the easiest obtainable source of gunpowder. 爬行者[原文如此]是最容易获取的火药来源。 苦力怕的旧译。
40 Placing two chests side by side will make one large chest. 将两个箱子并排放置可以合成一个大箱子。
41 Tame wolves show their health with the position of their tail. Feed them meat to heal them. 被驯服的狼会通过尾巴的位置表明它们的生命值。给它们喂肉,可让它们恢复生命。
42 Different colored dyes can be made from a variety of materials, cook cactus in a furnace to get green dye! 使用各种材料可以制作不同颜色的染料,在熔炉中煮仙人掌可以得到绿色的染料!
43 Some animals will follow you if you have wheat in your hand. 如果您手里有小麦,一些动物会跟随着您。
44 Music by C418! 音乐由 C418 制作!
45 There will be an update to this game eventually! 最终会提供此游戏的更新!
46 Mojang has more awards than staff! Mojang 获得的奖项比它的员工还要多!
47 Some famous people play Minecraft! 一些名人也在玩我的世界!
48 Do not look directly at the bugs. 不要总盯着 bug 不放。
49 Creepers were born from a coding bug. 爬行者[原文如此]就是因编码 bug 而生。 苦力怕的旧译。
50 Is it a chicken or is it a duck? 这是鸡还是鸭?
51 Were you at MINECON? 您参加我的世界爱好者聚会 (MINECON) 了吗?
52 No-one at Mojang has ever seen Junkboy's face. 在 Mojang,还没人见过 Junkboy。[原文如此] 应译作“在Mojang里,还没人看到过Junkboy的真面目。”
53 Did you know there's a Minecraft Wiki? 您知道我的世界 Wiki 吗? 指本Wiki。
54 MINECON 2011 was in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA! MINECON 2011 在美国内华达州的拉斯维加斯举行!
55 MINECON 2012 was in Paris, France! MINECON 2012 在法国巴黎举行!
56 MINECON 2013 was in Orlando, Florida, USA! MINECON 2013 在美国佛罗里达州的奥兰多举行!
57 No-one can remember where MINECON 2014 was held. 没人记得 MINECON 2014 是在哪里举行的。
58 MINECON 2015 was in London, UK! MINECON 2015 在英国伦敦举行!
59 MINECON 2016 was in Anaheim, California, USA! MINECON 2016 在美国加利福尼亚州的阿纳海姆举行!
60 Always assume rumors are false, rather than assuming they're true! 对于谣传,宁可信其无,不可信其有!
61 The first version of Minecraft was created in just 6 days! 我的世界的第一个版本的创建仅花了 6 天时间!
62 The Enderman language is actually English in reverse. 末影人使用的语言实际上是反着说的英语。
63 The original name for Minecraft was Cave Game. 《我的世界》的原名为 Cave Game。
64 Pigs that are struck by lightning become Zombie Pigmen! 被闪电击中的猪会变成僵尸猪人!
65 Endermen hate bath time! 末影人不喜欢洗澡!
66 Sometimes iron golems give flowers to the villager children! 铁傀儡有时候会给村民的孩子送花!
67 A Spider Jockey is the rare appearance of a spider being ridden by a skeleton! 蜘蛛骑士非常罕见,这是一种骷髅骑着蜘蛛的生物!
68 traveling one block in the Nether is equal to traveling eight blocks in the overworld. 下界中行进一个方块相当于在主世界中行进八个方块。


Iron Pickaxe



# 文本 游戏内中文翻译 备注
1 When you're on the beta, you can only play with other friends who are also on the beta! 如果您玩的是测试版,您只能和其他同样处于测试版中的好友一起玩!
2 Remember, you can't play on Realms and most servers when you’re on the beta. 请记住,当您处于测试版中时,您不能在 Realms 和大多数服务器上进行游戏。
3 Whatever you buy in the beta is real and will still be there if you leave the beta. 您在测试版中购买的一切都是真实的,即便您离开测试版,它们也不会消失。
4 Don’t forget to create backups of your worlds before loading them in the beta. 在测试版中加载世界前别忘了给它们创建备份。
5 Please log all bugs you find at bugs.mojang.com 请在 bugs.mojang.com 上报告您发现的所有漏洞
6 Want to chat with us about the beta? Join the Minecraft Discord at discord.gg/Minecraft 想和我们聊聊测试版?访问 discord.gg/Minecraft,加入《我的世界》Discord
7 Do you have a great idea for a new feature? Tell us on the beta forum of the feedback site at feedback.minecraft.net 关于新的功能您有什么好的建议吗?请在反馈网址 feedback.minecraft.net 上的测试版论坛上告诉我们
8 Find a bug? Please tell us about it at bugs.mojang.com 发现了漏洞?请访问 bugs.mojang.com 报告给我们
9 If your friends can't join your world, it may be because they aren't also on the beta. 如果您的好友无法加入您的世界,那可能是因为他们并没有跟您一样处在测试版中。
10 Remember to back up your worlds often & before you open them in the beta. 记得在于测试版中打开您的世界之前要经常备份它们。
11 Thank you for participating in the beta! 感谢您参加测试!
12 Need help leaving the beta? Check out aka.ms/MinecraftXIP 离开测试版时需要帮助?请访问 aka.ms/MinecraftXIP
13 The beta program is currently only available on Windows 10, Xbox One, and Android. 测试程序目前仅在 Windows 10、Xbox One 以及安卓设备上可用。
14 Remember, beta builds are not the final product. You might find crashes, glitches, and other weird stuff. 记住,测试版不是最终产品,您可能会发现崩溃、故障和其他奇怪的东西。
15 We love your feedback! Tell us what you think at feedback.minecraft.net 我们欢迎您给出反馈!请访问 feedback.minecraft.net 告诉我们您的想法
16 Did you know you can talk to our developers on discord.gg/Minecraft? 您知道您可以在 discord.gg/Minecraft 上与我们的开发者聊天吗?
17 Don’t worry about crashing because crashes on the beta mean less crashes later! 不要担心崩溃,因为测试版中的崩溃意味着之后的崩溃会少一些!


以下是玩家使用Minecraft Preview时,代替常规提示出现的加载提示。

# 文本 游戏内中文翻译 备注
1 Thank you for playing Minecraft Preview! 感谢您使用 Minecraft 预览版!
2 When you are playing Minecraft Preview, you can only play with other friends who are also playing Minecraft Preview and are on the same type of device. 如果您使用的是《我的世界》预览版,您只能和其他同样处于预览版中以及使用相同类型设备的好友一起使用!
3 Whatever you buy in Minecraft Preview will be available in Minecraft as well! 无论您在 Minecraft 预览版中购买什么,都可在 Minecraft 中使用!
4 Do you have a great idea for a new feature? Tell us our feedback site at feedback.minecraft.net 关于新的功能您有什么好的建议吗?请在反馈网址 feedback.minecraft.net 上告诉我们
5 Did you know you can talk to our developers on discord.gg/Minecraft? 您知道您可以在 discord.gg/Minecraft 上与我们的开发者聊天吗?


# 文本 游戏内中文翻译 备注
1 You can hold down Shift to take a close up picture using the Camera. 您可以在按住 Shift 的同时用摄像机[原文如此]拍摄近景图片。 相机
2 Unlike Signs, you can edit Slates, Posters, and Boards over and over again. 与标志[原文如此]不一样,您可以反复地编辑石板、海报和黑板[原文如此] 告示牌和三种尺寸的黑板(小黑板、横幅和大黑板)。
3 Use Ctrl+B to turn on text-to-speech capabilities for in-game chat. 使用 Ctrl+B 打开文本转语音功能,来进行游戏内聊天。
4 You can export your Minecraft world to share it with others. 您可以导出《我的世界》的世界与他人共享。
5 To have your peers connect to your world, pause your game and share your IP address. 要让同伴连接到您的世界,请暂停游戏并分享您的加入代码。
6 Remember that to use slash commands, you need to enable cheats in your world. 请记住,要使用斜杠命令,您需要在您的世界中启用作弊。
7 Done with your creation? Have others tour your world in Adventure Mode to protect your work. 已完成您的创作?让别人作为访客游览您的世界以便保护您的作品。
8 To use code builder, press C on your keyboard or touch the Agent icon at the top of your screen!

To code in Minecraft, press "C" on your keyboard or touch the Agent icon at the top of your screen.

要使用 Code Builder,请按下键盘上的 C 键或触摸屏幕顶部的 Agent[原文如此] 图标

要在 Minecraft 中编辑代码,请按下键盘上的“C”键或触摸屏幕顶部的代理机器人[原文如此]图标。

9 Use the Library to find new game worlds to build in. 用这个库来寻找可供创建的新的游戏世界。
10 Looking for a specific biome? try the Library. 正在寻找特定的生物群系?试试库吧。
11 NPC stands for Non-Player Character. NPC 代表非玩家角色。
12 In Survival Mode, players must find their own resources. 在生存模式中,玩家必须自行找到资源。
13 In Creative Mode, players can freely choose to build from any of the blocks in Minecraft. 在创造模式中,玩家可以自由选择《我的世界》中的任何方块来进行建造。
14 Your code building robot helper is called the Agent. 您的代码创建机器人助手称为代理机器人[原文如此] 智能体
15 Redstone can be used in Minecraft to create circuits and simple machines. 在《我的世界》中,红石可以用来创建电路和简单的机器。
16 You can copy-and-paste from a text editor to a slate, poster, or board.

You can copy-and-paste from a text editor to a slate, poster, board, or into chat.



17 You can toggle Keyboard and Mouse Hints on or off in the Settings menu under Controls.

Show hints for commonly-used keyboard and mouse controls by pressing "H" on your keyboard.



18 You can toggle Auto Jump on or off in the Settings menu under Controls. 您可以在“控制”下的“设置”菜单中打开或关闭“自动跳跃”。
19 While in Creative Mode, quickly press jump twice to fly. 在创造模式下,快速按下两次“跳跃”以飞行。
20 Choose a Default Game Mode when creating world to specify the type of gameplay you want. 在创建世界时选择一个“默认课程模式”来指定您想要的探索方法。
21 Use the command "/setworldspawn" to have new players begin playing where you are standing. 使用 ''/setworldspawn'' 命令可以让新玩家在您所站的地方开始游戏。
22 Choose a default player permission when creating your world to specify the permissions you want your classmates to have when they join. 在创建您的世界时,选择一个默认的玩家权限,以指定您希望您的同学在加入时拥有的权限。
23 Press I on your keyboard or touch the Immersive Reader icon to read or translate in-game text.

Press "I" on your keyboard or touch the Immersive Reader icon to read or translate in-game text.

按下键盘上的 I 或触摸沉浸式阅读器图标来阅读或翻译游戏内文本。


24 To add or change an NPC in your world, first make yourself a world builder with "/wb". 要在您的世界中添加或更改一个非用户角色[原文如此],首先使用“/wb”将自己设置为世界建造者。 NPC
25 There's a brand new build challenge every month! Find them all in the Library under Monthly Build Challenges. 每个月都有全新的建造挑战!在“每月建造挑战”下的库中查找所有内容。
26 Find related lessons by clicking on tags in the Library. 单击库中的标签查找相关课程。
27 Game moving slowly? Try turning down the render distance in Settings. 课程加载太慢?尝试在“设置”中关闭渲染距离。
28 Want to use Code Builder? Make sure cheats are toggled on. 想要使用代码编辑器?确保已启用无敌模式[原文如此] 指允许作弊
29 Press F5 to change player perspective. 按下 F5 更改用户视角。
30 Use "/spawnpoint" to change your spawn point. It's just like you slept in a bed! 使用“/spawnpoint”更改生成点[原文如此]。就像睡在床上一样! 出生点


# 文本 游戏内中文翻译 备注
1 Connect other controllers to your "Playstation3" console, and then press the start key on these controllers to join the game at any time. 将其他控制器连接至你的“PlayStation3”主机,然后按下这些控制器上的 START 键就能随时加入游戏。 仅PS3
2 After removing the lava source block, it takes several minutes for the lava to completely disappear. 移除熔岩源方块后,熔岩需要好几分钟的时间才能完全消失。
3 If zombies and skeletons stay in the water, they can survive in the light of the day. 如果僵尸和骷髅呆在水里,它们就可以在白天的光中存活下去


TU1CU11.0Patch 11.0.1为加载菜单添加了加载提示。


