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=== Good Philosophy for Fights ===
* "Only the dead have seen the end of war."
There is that one case of being Left for Green. This means that your squad disbanded, you are out, all alone with maybe a few enemies a kilometer or two behind you looking for you, and you're starving. Be independent. What if nobody is there to help you? What if your leader takes all the valuables and leaves his troops out to die? You must gather resources, get help of any kind, whether it be a lone man just with a stone toolkit or a juggernaut in Protection IV armor, and you must be careful and start your own faction.
Tip: Since anyone can be bought…eventually, keep your own secret, hidden, well guarded bases. ''Never'' tell anyone about it. It is for you and only you.
* Watch videos and tutorials on how to build traps, and be smart with what you learned. Many people know how to make traps. That is good on one hand, but on another they might not know how to use their knowledge to their advantage. Combine traps and improvise offline.
* Don't overkill yourself. Think first before charging ahead to do something. Think first of the necessities, which are supplies, and deal with the secondary needs after.
* Don't be scared to act like a coward. If you stand no chance, save what you can save and ''run!'' If you're nearly killed, and have no hope of victory? Run! And don't let yourself be lured into 1-on-1 PvP unless you can win this: use your mind over your in-game muscles! Preferably, use both! Most important is: use your environment wisely. For example: if your in a jungle biome, run into the trees and attack your foes! or maybe: if your in a big NPC-village with iron golems: make your foe hit the Iron Golem, then run of and snipe the foe! if your on a small island in an ocean biome: run into the ocean with a boat, sail a little away, and use your bow to take down that diamond-armor juggernaut! It will all be yours if you succeed! Your sword might be a strong weapon, but your bow is even stronger if you use your mind. Also, don't be scared to use potions: they can give you a great advantage over your non-potion using foes.
* Evaluate your position. In other words, take into account all your advantages, all their advantages, and weigh the options. Sometimes, you need to guess and check. The most important ones are your advantages or disadvantages in:
# Armor and armor enchants
# Swords and sword Enchants
# Bows and bow Enchants
# Ender pearl or portal availability
# Potions, skill, and hunger
The most iffy is skill. Some people are so good with their timing that they can calmly mine and take their diamond ore, then swing around and shoot just as soon as you are within a block of them!
In fact, who says you need better equipment to win? Let's say that your base is in the sky with a public chest containing some equipment. Then, all of a sudden, you come down with one teammate and realize that the base is being raided! In the chest, you find some string and cobblestone. The enemies are in iron armor, but enchantments are unknown due to this being before the 1.3 update. Now, if the raider's armor was not enchanted, then you're in luck. A stone sword against iron armor with no buffs deals a full heart of damage. A fully charged bow does about as much damage as a diamond sword. Even if you have no armor, you still somewhat stand a chance against those two since it's you and your teammate fighting them. You do not need to be the same size as long as you can beat them. (Fun fact: This was a true story and the contributor who wrote this probably would have repelled the raiders if he had known this earlier!) If you and your team mate are strategic, let's say they stick together, and your enemy doesn't, then you are almost guaranteed to kill them, that is if both of you have at least stone swords and he is alone with an iron sword and full iron armor. If you got lucky enough to mine a diamond sword, bring that out too: if you can, enchant with even just Sharpness I, which will do about 1.5-2.5 hearts every hit. If you somehow have gotten a Strength II potion, maybe by buying it on a server, then DRINK IT! It will multiply your damage by 3.6, so that 2.5 hearts, if you make that a critical hit (by falling when attacking) (will do 3.0-3.5 hearts) WITH Strength II, then you just might have killed your opponent in one or two hits.
* Get to your senses.
You may be thinking that people who have lost so much that their anger is uncontrollable are going to go psycho to win and when people come with supreme equipment you should be scared out of your wits, since that "causes" adrenaline. ''No!'' Anger and fear are both factors to defeat. When either happens, whether it be an attempt to kill a guy who has diamond armor with your fists or combat logging just because you are so scared that you have to go to the bathroom of fear of peeing in your pants, you will most likely forget all the tips you have learned until you get back to your senses. Avoid that. Now, you must stay calm. Run for cover, and don't stop to watch the deaths of your teammates. If you have one, drink a Potion of Swiftness (second tier is highly recommended), and keep running. Do not turn back, do not look back, do think of what's back there, and do not stop. Just keep running until you reach safety, whether it be allied or peaceful territory, or a secret place. Don't stop. Stay sharp. (If you can, bring a fat friend along with you and hope the lethal enemies kill him and not you.)
* Peace, dude.
Remember what's been said about not trusting anyone? Your turn to chip in to taking a stab at backstabbing. Create peaceful factions for your team. Their only purpose is to earn supplies while being impossible to touch.
* Diamonds aren't the key to victory.
If two guys in diamond with enchantments come and raid your base, and you're 4 people in iron, and only you have a full set of diamond equipment, ''do not bring it out!'' It is obvious you don't stand much chance as you are overpowered. You do, however, need to keep potions. They should consist of the following:
Also, keep flint and steel, along with fire aspect swords and bows, along with you. And if you find generation errors that create gateways to the Void, use them. Don't forget to keep your dispensers loaded and ready to fire with arrows, damage splash potions, and fire charges. The reason why this equipment and these traps can beat people in diamond is because they go right through their armor. Nothing, not even diamond armor, can resist their effects (except for arrows. Fire, potion effects and Void damage are the only lethal things unaffected no matter what kind of armor.). Also, a potion of invisibility will mean no one will know where you are attacking from!
Also, remember the gift of decoys. Say you have nothing at all and you were just a guy that started in a faction war faction. Use your expendable condition. Say there is a hall of traps designed by a redstone scientist. Throw yourself at the traps, run like a madman, break those hidden redstone clocks, and just kill your player on those lethal traps so your faction can zip in and break a hole in their obsidian shield. To victory!
=== 战争哲理 ===
=== 战争哲理 ===

2017年2月12日 (日) 15:38的版本

Ic translate


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PVP,也就是 Player versus Player(玩家对战玩家),是Minecraft的多人战斗部分,玩家和其他玩家战斗。无论和其他人合作或自己战斗,对许多玩家来说是很困难的

注意:该手册将会覆盖原版 Minecraft 再加上获得社区里大多数人认可的插件。

PvP 取决于多种因素。首先,PvP 必须具有下列完善的机制:



当你进入一个PvP服务器时,注意服务器的管理员可能会有一些特殊的规定。 注意这不是你的服务器,你不应该违反任何规则。 如果你不同意上面的规则,请离开服务器。 在PvP中你不应该通过修改客户端而获得优势,这么做歪曲了玩家拥有的能力和等级。









































熔岩是最好的障碍物。在他们没有药水或高级附魔的情况下,你可以使用熔岩大大减慢敌人的速度,也能对敌人造成伤害。 提醒你,包括水和熔岩的方块通常不能在服务器重生点放置。









  • 功能:随着时间的推移对玩家造成伤害,更高的等级能使火焰伤害持续更长时间。
  • 最高等级:II(2)
  • 用于:(火焰附加)和(火矢)
  • 注:该效果会穿透所有类型的护甲,然而它并不总是可靠的:不要尝试攻击带有橙色颗粒效果或穿着全套附魔护甲的人。它们穿上的护甲有几率拥有火焰保护附魔。


  • 功能:造成随机数量的附加伤害,更高的等级能增加伤害限制
  • 用于:(锋利)、(力量)
  • 最高等级:V(5)
  • 注:附加伤害不会被护甲吸收,因此敌人的钻石护甲不会完全保护受到你的锋利V的铁剑攻击。这个伤害不是固定的,因此战斗不只是谁先攻击或谁拥有更好的武器和护甲的问题,而是造成伤害多少的问题。


  • 功能:装备者有几率把伤害反馈给攻击者。更高的等级,反馈给攻击者伤害的几率越大。
  • 用于:所有护甲
  • 最高等级:III(3)
  • 注:注意你护甲吸收的附加伤害。如果你把护甲同时附魔上荆棘和保护,那么你的护甲将会很快被破坏,除非它有耐久附魔


  • 功能:把目标击退到远处,更高等级会把敌人击退到更远的距离。
  • 最高等级: II (2)
  • 用于:(击退)、(冲击)
  • 注:这些附魔用来对付带有力量效果的玩家(散发着暗红色的漩涡颗粒)最合适。如果你击退它们了,它们就不能使用力量来进行全力攻击,因为它们仅对近战有效。另一方面,如果你知道有人有一把力量V(5)的,但只有一把木,最好的策略是一直贴着他,不让他远离你。




  • 功能:对所有除了虚空伤害进行附加防护。更高的等级对伤害会有更好的防护。
  • 用于:所有护甲
  • 最高等级:IV(4)
  • 注:这是最好的护甲附魔之一。它会保护你在战斗中常见的伤害。它是唯一一个被“指定”附魔还要差一点点的附魔(如抗火保护)。


  • 功能:对爆炸伤害进行附加防护。更高的等级对爆炸伤害会有更多的防护。
  • 用于:所有护甲
  • 最高等级:IV(4)
  • 注:全套爆炸保护 IV(4)护甲会很好的保护你免受爆炸的伤害,并且是对抗大规模杀伤武器(详见本页底部)的首选护甲。


  • 功能:对熔岩、着火以及站在火里造成的伤害进行附加防护。更高的等级对火焰有更多的防护。
  • 用于:所有护甲
  • 最高等级:IV(4)
  • 注:2套火焰保护 IV (4)以及2套 IV (4)护甲会给予最高的火焰保护。拥有至少1套抗火保护护甲总是一个好主意。


  • 功能:对射过来的恶魂烈焰人的火球(只是这些)。更高等级会对弹射物提供更高的防护。
  • 用于:所有护甲
  • 最高等级:IV(4)
  • 注:在通过发射器陷阱之前,你应该选择装备这套护甲。因为很多的发射器陷阱包含弹射物,该附魔能很好的进行保护。


  • 功能:对掉落伤害进行附加防护。同时也保护末影珍珠造成的伤害。更高的等级可以提供更好的保护。
  • 用于:靴子
  • 最高等级:IV(4)
  • 注:即使你从很高的距离上掉下来,你也会得到靴子的完全保护,让你免受掉落伤害。着陆后仍然会发出骨头破碎的声音,附近的人会警觉起来。


  • 功能:穿着水下呼吸护甲可以在水里呆更长时间,在窒息之后扣除生命值的之前的时间会延长。更高等级的水下呼吸可以让你在水里呆更长的时间,并且在承受窒息伤害前获得更多的时间。
  • 用于:头盔
  • 最高等级:III(3)
  • 注:这个附魔在侦察上很有用:你可以在敌人的船只下面隐藏更长的时间。



  • 功能:发射无限数量的箭,但在你的物品栏中必须至少要有一支箭。
  • 用于:弓
  • 最高等级:I(1)
  • 注:无限附魔是一个很好的乱射箭的箭术,你不需要担心你的会用完64支箭,或在半个小时里全部用完,并且你也不需要跑过去捡起箭来获得更多的箭。箭的耐久度仍然会减小,但这是一个漏洞。


  • 功能:增加武器和护甲的耐久度。更高的等级会增加更多的耐久度。
  • 用于:所有护甲和武器
  • 最高等级:III(3)
  • 注:尽管你需要经历更多的困难才能附魔上耐久,但是这很值得。战斗延长意味着你的钻石护甲会损毁的更快。尝试获得并穿上带有耐久附魔的护甲,以获得最大效果。

PvP 的位置

在 PvP 里,战斗者将不得不在一定的环境下进行战斗,这个环境可以是自定义设计区域、普通地形或者是一张挑战地图。


这是2个玩家在 Minecraft 自然生成的地形里进行战斗的地图。


PvP 挑战

这是在一个固定区域或挑战地图进行的 PvP。

一些是朋友的玩家可能会决定使用一张挑战地图来更容易的进行 PvP。





  • 生成点(最常见):许多拥有 PvP 区域的玩家会在生成点或围绕着生成点建造竞技场!一定要提高警惕,因为你通常不能放置或破坏方块。
  • 古典:建造一座罗马斗兽场,在里面放上要对抗的动物以及在地板上放一些血液(红石,然而并不真实)——使用石头或石砖变种建造墙壁,草作为地板(沙子看起来也很棒)以及使用木头进行装饰,完工后把墙壁拆了。
  • 饥饿游戏:巨大的圆形竞技场,通常在里面有多个生物群系。墙壁必须用黑曜石、基岩或屏障制作。支持者和旁观者可以派遣使者运送食物或护甲等。战斗将会持续到剩余2个人,并且这2个人互相战斗并分出胜负后,战斗才会结束。胜利者或获得很好的奖励,而失败者没有。
  • 迷宫:建造墙壁和座位,让旁观者可以观看担惊受怕失去理智的参赛者,因为参赛者害怕在下一个角落遇到爬行者
  • 多层竞技场:在竞技场的几层楼里随机挖洞;确保侧面要用玻璃建造,让旁观者看见所有的重力行为。
  • 下界竞技场:注:它并不是真正建造在下界里。在竞技场区域周围建造3格高的地狱砖墙壁,然后用地狱砖楼梯盖在墙的上面。在入口处要有压力板控制的活塞。然后,建造一条旁观者通道,一侧要是地狱砖,另外一侧要是地狱砖楼梯。竞技场地板应该用地狱岩建造,中间用萤石填充,甚至用一些熔岩点缀其中(给予玩家反熔岩保护来让战斗更公平)。如果你愿意,你还可以点燃一些地狱岩。玩得开心!
  • Spleef Twist:谁要你去做肮脏的工作?让地图下面的熔岩为你代劳(开战之前告诉战斗者这个以免造成损失)!在移动的同时挖掉对手脚下的方块。
  • 天空:把竞技场建造在天空里,使用活塞陷阱来制造随机洞。重力现在是你最好的朋友以及最差的敌人。
  • 机关:尽量把你的竞技场见得独特一些——让活塞抬高一些地板来让一些玩家获得高度优势,使用楼梯倾斜一个房间让人进入混乱,或用水来减慢每个人的行进速度,并且让疾跑使用得更少。还有无尽的可能。
  • 熔岩雨:一旦拉动拉杆后,开放入口,一个红石中继器会延迟熔岩从头顶上留下来的时间。使用活塞和一个2分钟的延时,让熔岩从天花板留下来并杀死幸存的战斗者!(或让他们躲避掉下来的熔岩雨。记住:不要使用可燃材料!)
  • 圆屋顶:创建依个巨大的玻璃球体,以便让旁观者进行旁观。
  • “海战” 在一个玻璃碗内放置一池水,并给予每位玩家一艘船,第一个下水的旧输了,或者在某些人死了之前继续。
  • “TNT 区域” 把TNT放置在随机位置然后激活它。它会造成一个大坑。放置多个 TNT 让这个坑变得更大。然后绕着这个坑放置栅栏,并开始战斗!
  • “自然熔岩区域” 寻找一片自然生成熔岩的区域。给予许多的金苹果和/或抗火药水。跳进去,你将会在燃烧中进行战斗。更激烈以及更困难!
  • “生物攻击”: 使用隐藏的刷怪箱填充竞技场。让玩家同时受到怪物和其他玩家的攻击!
  • “天空方块” 在一片40×40的区域设置50格的沉降,在最底部放上水。每一层之间的高度差为1格,因此没有方块会互相接触。为了增添更多乐趣,在黑暗中让其隐形,但确保每个人穿着了护胸,因此他们仍然能够游玩。
  • “陷阱竞技场”:建造一个竞技场,用石头建造,并挖几个窥视孔来让旁观者观看,用草把这些孔遮住。这些陷阱可能包含活塞、熔岩、火、箭以及更多!不要忘记用草遮盖来让失败几率提到最高!不要把所有的陷阱都用草遮盖,防止有人把草当作陷阱的标志。同时出于这个原因,在没有陷阱的地方放上更多的草。战斗者应该处于冒险模式。

PvP 的意义


友好的 PvP






挑战性的 PvP









无组织的 PvP

一些人在没有警告的情况下突然攻击你的时候,无组织的 PvP 就发生了。拿着你的武器,准备好战斗!


如果你比你的攻击者拥有更好的装备,那么你有可能杀掉他们。在这种情况下,没有多余的时间给你。运用任何东西(包括你处理过的)来摧毁你的对手 - 你应该利用 Minecraft 提供的任何一种方法。(战斗记录、修改游戏和其他游戏外的方法是不可接受的。)随身携带附加设备,你从来不想在没有武器的情况下被困在一场战斗里。因此,必须采取一切措施来确保在战斗时可以容易的进行装备,例如附魔、附加设备以及持续补给。

提示:伤害对手或任何玩家的直接方法就是在他们的头上投掷3瓶喷溅型 瞬间伤害 II药水将会杀死他们(没有任何例外)。











  • 单挑晋级赛:在一个场地,安排多名玩家,10个以上最好。让他们两两比赛,如果你赢了,就去挑战其他赢家。直到你输了,或者你笑到最后。你永远不会和失败者战斗,只可能是第三方面的战斗。
  • 混战/终极悍将:10个以上的玩家同时和任何一个在竞技台上的自己想要战斗的玩家战斗。可能会有某人很烦人或咒骂别人很多次—— 他不想尝试杀死他们…?
  • 团队死斗:10个以上的玩家分城乡等人数的战队。最后剩下最多人的战队获胜。
  • 非正式决斗:你有一个人十分憎恨,但是你有比他更多的TNT吗?如果他同意你的战斗邀请,那就开始。哎呀呀,那样将会导致很多的犯规(像倒熔岩,TNT和打火石燃烧)然而这就是为什么它叫“非正式决斗”:因为他们尚未算数。
  • 生存:在竞技场上聚集10个以上玩家并生成10个怪物。 给所有玩家以木剑。竞技场上不应该有爬行者。最后一个站着的获胜。玩家可以为了杀死他们的对手而攻击他们,又或是为了组队并分享胜利。



  • 练习射击移动目标


  • 旋转不息

当参加一场战斗时,常规反应会吸引敌人,狂按鼠标。现在,这有一些平衡,但是对此有更聪明的途径。以圆的形状行走,按 w a s d w a s d。简单而有效的策略。这应该会减少一定数量的伤害,但是你仍然会受到对手造成的一些伤害。

  • 雪球



  • 扫射策略

PvP 并不总是站在一个点上用剑攻击某人,并且永远不会这样。圆形扫射你周围的你的敌人可以拯救你的信标,特别是他们拥有钻石武器的时候。因为玩家攻击你需要用推进,因此在射出后有一段时间,这段时间可以用来迷惑他们,你也可以更容易的避开攻击。为了让对手更难伤害你,使用迅捷药水。然而,饮用了药水后,你需要尽量避开像墙或像熔岩仙人掌之类的危险地点。多数人并不会扫射,而那就是你的优势。

  • 部署诱饵

如果你正处于一个小组或帮派里,并且在服务器拥有一定的声望,使用这个来当作你的优势。在出生点附近建造一个假庇护所(确保要让人看起来相信这是真的庇护所,如一个低空庇护所或一个用黑曜石做的天花板的庇护所)。不要在这间庇护所储存任何东西,要在这间庇护所里建造一个陷阱,像活塞坠落陷阱或按钮激活陷阱。人们将会来到这间庇护所,并认为这是你的真实庇护所(这并不总是有效。这主要在帮派服务器上有效,但是如果你的设计足够好,你可以让其在无帮派的 PvP 服务器中起效)。一旦他们掉进陷阱并死亡后,你就能够拿走他们的物品了。这需要大量的金钱、物品和 PvP 资源。

  • 主宰惩罚

多数的 PvP 服务器没有规则限制,并且允许所有的情况发生。现在你可以获得的最好的事情是什么?胜利和生存!什么是最好的工具?类似主宰的护甲(以及混用一些脑子)!首先,你将会需要寻找铁或钻石护甲。盯着人们,因为他们多数会在相同的轨道上做同样的事。第二,酿造例如力量、回复、重生和隐形药水。第三,附魔任何东西。附魔护甲可获得最大程度的保护。把剑附魔上火焰附加、击退等附魔来获得最大力量。记住,锋利是唯一一个正常增加伤害的附魔。亡灵杀手和节肢杀手 V 看起来似乎令人印象深刻,但是在 PvP 环境中它们是没有用的。唯一有用的 PvP 对抗者就是用强有力的弓和一堆箭成为至高主宰。



  • 建造陷阱!

红石是一项要学习的至关紧要的技术。其可以在不被人看见的情况下创造陷阱来杀死带有全套钻石护甲或其他无法阻碍的敌人。例如,敌人要干的第一件正事就是往庇护所里倒水来把熔岩代替。如果这发生了,你你需要一个 BUD 来确认水是否仍然在那里,假设 TNT 在一堆沙子下面,水会阻止对环境的破坏(在没有水的情况下小心使用 TNT,你可能会比前者获得更多的伤害),火把会破坏沙子。甚至不仅仅要放上火把来窒息敌人,而且还要减小爆炸力。另一种方法就是紧急开关。在2×2的走廊的帮派生成点中设置紧急开关。放置紧急按钮来让粘性活塞拉动你下面的方块,敌人将会因此掉进熔岩里。注意,这会保证废掉敌人的护甲,但不保证会杀掉他。使用按钮,不要使用拉杆!留在周围确保,以敌人不能传送到他的帮派庇护所里。

  • 极厚墙。这是对于偏执狂的人使用的。建造20-40层厚的墙。这不是一个致命陷阱,这意味着会给予你足够的时间进行躲避。多数玩家在挖3-6个方块之后就变弱/不想再挖了,有决心的人会挖到10-15,只有疯子才会挖完所有的20-40个方块。
  • 秘密开关。敌人并不总会通过打破厚厚的墙壁进来。他们可能会从前门进来。隐藏你的入口,并建造多个入口愚弄你的敌人。确保你的团队都知道这些。
  • 死亡之掘。穿着钻石装备的家伙可能会尽量杀了你并掠夺你的箱子,而你的装备却只是铁质的,嗯哼?你的武器是锹。放置一些雪块座位一层地板,挖几条路到基岩,在各处放上 TNT(确保 TNT 远离你的庇护所),取决于你的敌人有多厉害或你有多讨厌,手动放置一个开关或放置留下绊线让它们自动点燃。注意你可能获取不到他们的战利品。
  • 毒气室。在走廊一侧墙壁仅仅塞满发射器,用伤害药水填充它们,用一个快速遥控器连接它们,放置一个开关来控制它,然后在墙壁放上粘性活塞来为旁观室的人 设下陷阱。没有东西,甚至是带有保护 X (注意,该等级的附魔只能够通过修改 NBT 文件实现)的沉重武器都不能幸存下来。
  • 保持距离


  • 你的金钱不会拯救你

当你正在多人游戏 PVP 的中心并且在为小组检查你杀死的人留下的战利品时,你不得不要保护你自己,因为在多数情况下,他们并不会保护你,他们中的多数很有可能会让你死亡并掠夺你的原有物品。尽管还需要一些详细的情景分析(如带着少许盐接受这个建议)。

  • 隧道逃生路线策略


  • 格挡


  • 随时随地穿上护甲带上剑


  • 安全第一


  • 提高警惕

在 PvP 服务器,你永远不知道其他人在哪里。即使你距离出生点很远,仍然会有人对你进行间谍活动,追踪你,伏击你或者更坏的情况。永远不要想着你是孤独的,要总是认为有人在你附近伏击你。随时让你的手指切换到你的剑。


首要的规则,不要相信任何人。如果有在线地图,使用它来追踪人们的位置。与其他人保持距离。如果你只是为他们的帮派做了一些简单的事,他们就邀请你进入他们的帮派,那么就可能有幕后交易。他们可能会把你踢出去或者他们没有留下你的理由时会立即杀掉你(有帮派插件的 Bukkit 服务器)。随时做好被人攻击的准备,要总是认为每个人会在你的背后发起攻击。

同时在一些服务器有传送命令。在 PvP 服务器,如果你获得了一个你不知道的人发出的随机传送请求,永远不要接受它!,他们会随机传送来寻找要袭击和杀死的目标。同时,如果你拥有更好的东西,都不要接受请求,你可能不知道他们的武器在哪里,一些服务器还会有 /back 命令。即使你杀了他们,他们也会传送回来并在那里宿营。如果某人想要进行1v1的对峙,在接受请求时要特别注意。他们可能会带上依稀儿女来“围观”。小心的接受这条建议,因为太多的信任甚至会让最好的战斗者把你陷于无法挽回的境地。






如果你真的讨厌某人,在敌人的出生点或基地腾一块地方。然后把自己暴露出来。 在这块地方,你需要用到一些TNT或者其它的能干掉你敌人的东西。你也会一起死掉,但这是为敌人准备的狂欢。 如果你承受不了自杀,比如处于极限模式的(死后封禁) 服务器,也可以做一个同样的小屋,并让它能很明显地被敌人看见。不过这是用来杀掉他们并让你站到最后的。用TNT填满墙壁,地板,还有小隔间的效果会非常不错。再做一个小房间, 不会很明显, 足够深,用黑曜石搭成,但要留好出口, 放一个拉杆触发陷阱(TNT,还有熔岩也不错)。在里面等他们入局。一旦他们来了,躲进黑曜石房间(花费=4×3×3-4=32个黑曜石) ,还要把剩下的两个黑曜石堵住入口。 触发机关,然后让屋子里的人爽翻天。

PvP 的准备建议

为了把胜利的几率最大化,推荐装备上最好的护甲、武器以及战斗中最好的物品。然而,确保要尽可能的简单,因为这样会更容易的进行物品栏管理以及切换武器。为装备附魔或其他东西耐久 III。这是 PvP 和常规 Minecraft 中一个很好的法则。确保你的剑有足够的耐久度,或者带上一个备用的。把你的剑变得更可怕,特别是在紧张的比赛时。给弓附上无限 I 或者带上32-128支箭。别忘了带上弓!




  • 一张地图。不仅仅会帮助你查看你周围的环境,还会标出其他玩家的位置。
  • 完备的功能、武装以及完成的庇护所:在 PvP 服务器里,一间庇护所总是一个好选择。确保没有人能找到你的庇护所,并且尝试把庇护所建在海洋生物群系、地下或者...
  • 空中庇护所:一个浮在空中的,很难接近的庇护所,特别是建在海洋上面的时候。很难定位它或破坏它,因为它已经被黑曜石强化了。这些庇护所最好在帮派服务器上使用,但只有在你聪明到能对土地进行布局的时候才能使用。确保你能够到达这个庇护所。
  • 最好的装备。




你可能会因为你的强劲的保护 IV 钻石护甲和锋利 V 击退 II 以及抗火保护 II 剑而变得狠强大,然而,因为钻石并不是很容易找的,有更多的人想要获得钻石剑以及附魔,因此并不推荐使用该系列装备。在晚些时候,它们的数量将会让你的 PvP 按钮混战的自由幸存模式变成运气模式。因此,要带着几把不同的武器。这里是一些建议:

  1. 对他们下毒。
  2. 使用火焰弹点燃他们。
  3. 使用雪球或鸡蛋,这些是廉价的速射护甲杀手。
  4. 使用冲击 II 来击退他们。

最至关重要的是,对于严肃的 PvP 玩家来说,无敌的附魔钻石护甲对于他们来说很平常。



有组织的 PvP

“有组织的 PvP”是非完全自由的,小型帮派的 PvP。假如只有2个帮派,那么一方是反派的,另外一方就是正派的(或者都是正派或反派)。 下面是一些为2-4个帮派(推荐只有2个帮派)以及经过精心组织的玩家 vs 玩家的教程。这将会在有排名系统的服务器上很有用。此教程有很多创新性的东西,并且推荐在有大量玩家游玩时应用。你可以把你的想法放进这个段落。这个教程将会很好标记你的团队的结构,因此你不必意外地在敌人的船只里徘徊,并使自己被杀。


  • 标准庇护所


  • 大庇护所


  • 破坏者

一个巨大的空中庇护所,里面有200张床,200个箱子,由石砖建成,有人守在发射器炮塔和其它先进武器的地方。摧毁这个庇护所的唯一最快途径是使用 TNT。如果你要大量生产这些,你真的需要建造一个刷机。

  • 战列巡洋舰


  • 炮塔

一座有红石时钟和一个远程红石武器(射速 3 支箭/秒)的炮塔。推荐把武器建高点并封住。

  • 圆石农场


  • 红石屋

这间屋子里都是陷阱!使屋子看起来很诱人,把铁块藏在草的后面,周围放上箱子,或者放上一个告示牌来“假定”这是为朋友提供的一个秘密入口。当他们走进门,看到箱子并打开它们,它们不会知道这些箱子都是陷阱箱!当它们被激活后,你就可以向他们射箭、释放熔岩,甚至是激活 TNT!确保添加了活塞,以便在打开箱子的时候把门堵住!


  • 标准

装备有铁护甲和无限 I和耐久的附魔,还有1支箭的军队。

  • 军官


  • 突击队

装备保护 II 和耐久 I附魔的铁护甲,以及锋利 II 、击退 I 和火焰附加 I的铁剑,再加上无限和耐久 I 的弓和1支箭。

  • 炮兵


  • 监视者


  • 守卫


  • 假守卫

制造一个皮肤来让你看起来像穿着钻石护甲的人!人们经常做这个,但是如果你改变了在护甲里面的原始 Steve 皮肤,这看起来更真实!同时确保你有一把剑!



  • 首领/皇帝


  • 将军


  • 指挥官


  • 队长


  • 小队长



该战争可以在一个帮派插件或其它等效插件中进行。 该战争会在一组玩家尝试攻击另外一组的必须消灭的成员,并且在晚些时候摧毁或抢夺另外一个小组的全部财产时发生。 这个战争的范围可以从一个突然袭击到一个2支军队间的正式挑战,各方人员的参战人数可多达好几百(尽管这非常罕见并且可能会造成延迟)。 在一些服务器,你可能需要在不知道队伍有哪个成员的情况下来选择并加入一个队伍。


如果你不能从外面伤害他们,那就从里面伤害他们! 如果可能,你仍然能够加入你的敌人的帮派。 如果你作为一个帮派成员进入了他们的庇护所,然后等待,直到所有帮主都下线了。这是进行破坏的最佳时间。 拿走他们最有价值的物品,然后破坏熔炉、箱子以及使用打火石燃烧物品。如果他们有一条矿道,则堵住。如果他们有一条楼梯矿道,则放置熔岩火在顶上2格放置方块。前往“F 屋子”并挖一个洞,把熔岩放进去,当他们进入“F 屋子”时,熔岩就会从天花板流下来,并且在熔岩里不断重生。如果你还有熔岩,那就用熔岩把这间屋子填满!确保这间屋子没有任何的隐藏箱子,如果没被帮派里的人抓到,就破坏农场。如果可能,如果他们还不知道你破坏/掠夺了他们,等待他们修复他们的庇护所,放上更多的食物/战利品,然后再来一次!记住在每次掠夺后要把你获得的战利品分给你队里的其他人。



1. 侦查弱点: 偶尔的,你的敌人会在建造他们庇护所的墙壁时粗心大意建造在他们领地以外的地方,允许你简单的挖掘就能破坏墙壁了。他们也会留下一个洞或者入口作为外面与他们的庇护所的连接,否则你就需要自建入口了。最后,木质庇护所是非常易燃的,你可以合成一个打火石,然后...

2. 使用 TNT 大炮: 任何除了黑曜石或基岩的方块都将会被几个精准瞄准的 TNT 爆炸而摧毁。部署你的大炮,然后开始射击,直到墙倒下。

注意一些服务器安装了一些插件,这些插件允许使用一定量的 TNT 摧毁黑曜石。如果黑曜石是建造庇护所的材料,那么部署你的 TNT 大炮并往它打出一个大洞。如果黑曜石庇护所被水覆盖,你可以部署 TNT 大炮,但在此之前,你必须把水转换为圆石,或者你只能够使用 TNT 大炮发射沙。之后,如果你已经覆盖了水,发射你的 TNT,现在你就开了一个洞来让你进入他们的庇护所了。如果服务器没有这些更改,并且安装了必需的插件(帮派服务器基本上都有),那么你在用某些“危险”物品设置家时,例如熔岩和水,它就会将你传送到最安全的地方。滥用这个过滤器可以进入在水下的庇护所或者它们的上方来防止被爆炸伤害到,你可以在水下的庇护所的一侧设置家,走开然后使用你的命令来到那个家,通常情况下你将会被传送到庇护所的里面,但是这个途径需要你的庇护所有2层围墙,意味着你要把第二层建造成可以在各个侧面都能装得下玩家,然后在那里创建一个箱子,那样就算有人传送进来,他们仍然会被卡在外面那一层而不能到达你的箱子旁边。

3. 末影珍珠: 如果你在屋顶上投掷一颗末影珍珠,那么你的头就会卡进里面,如果你在这个状态继续投掷另外一颗末影珍珠,末影珍珠将会穿透屋顶。防止这种渗透的方法是建造一个正常楼层,把楼层都向下挖1格,然后用熔岩填充。
















  1. 如果基地被黑曜石加固了,即使他们留下一扇门或便于进入的方式。也请仅仅在需要时进入。
  2. 如果你只是想要敌人的设备,只需在没有人在基地旁边的时候做这件事。
  3. 爬行者比TNT更好控制因为你可以把它们引诱到敌人的墙里。确认一定要穿戴盔甲。
  4. 为了寻找一些基地,你可以随机传送到某人,如果有个传送陷阱不能摆脱,通常你可以在你死之前用sethome指令,再穿戴盔甲的回来并杀死他们获得物品。如果有个小洞陷阱,当他们要攻击你时,只需用末影珍珠传送出去,在基地里用sethome指令是很有效率的,因为你可以在他们不在的时候突袭。如果是敌人的领地,你也可以在敌人的基地里用/sethome指令。
  5. 如果你知道基地的坐标,去下界。走1/8的距离。建立一个传送门,回到主世界,你就可以在敌人的基地里了。





  • 对于弓和剑的伤害,等效于172颗心
  • 对于摔落伤害,等效于34颗心。
  • 对于药水,溺水的伤害等效于10颗心。
  • 把他们打入虚空也可以让他们死。




刚开始的时候,帮派战斗不总是关于战斗的。尽管帮派战斗的目标是摧毁敌方阵地,对于敌军的清晰战术也是很有用的。 让我门假设另一个场景。另一个帮派是最强大的但是是守口如瓶,爱偷盗,蛮狠却富有。你的帮派不喜欢这个帮派,甚至讨厌。然而在你们的努力之下,你们的帮派已经超过他们了。你们的帮派需要你。现在,你被装备隐形药水,钻石箭,牛奶,3瓶伤害药水,有128只箭的弓和32块牛排。使用烟花来分散敌方注意力,然后你就可以开始了。整个帮派的希望寄托在你身上了!


  1. 不要拿东西并按Shift键使得没人看到你的名字。当你隐形时你无需潜行,然而你会在跑步时留下粒子。不要跑太快。
  2. 别在任何情况下发声,千万不要!
  3. 当他们抓住你时,他们一定会挑起战争。当帮派首领允许你时可以自杀除非是极限模式,你可以寻求逃脱。要注意你必须用火清楚你死后的掉落物。有时,如果服务器允许,用/tpa 指令。你也可以用/repawn 如果你在敌人的领地里。
  4. 即使你知道你不能接近某人,你也要设置一个陷阱来让你离开!即使你确认你安全了,你也有可能被在控制室里面的人发现。制定几条备选路线。如果没有其它路径,尝试破解陷阱。或者如果你被人包围了,没有其它的路可走,那么你可以设置陷阱来吸引敌人的注意力,并趁着这个机会藏起来,或者杀死查看陷阱的人。
  5. 总是要设计一条逃生路线(如末影珍珠,/spawn 或 /tpa 等)。如果敌人在他们的设置里把粒子选项设置为“所有”,那么他们可以看见从你隐形的角色发出的药水颗粒,你也因此需要一个不被发现的办法。

留心所有东西。不要在书和笔上面书写, 要留心细节,不要在书上写字,写在纸上避免暴露,之后在写到书里。智力是最重要的,它能帮助你走向胜利。不要忘记保密的重要性。当你觉得信息足够能够挑起战争时,就回到基地。另外一个很重要的一点就是 要提醒自己的队友。这样的话,当你被抓住并要逃亡时,可以给队友发信号(烟花是最明显的)。




1:大小 大的不一定是好的,一个可见建筑的可见面积越大,就留下了更多要管理的地方。然而,大的基地适合许多人一起工作。小的基地也很危险,因为他极容易被摧毁。

2:类型 一种最有效率的基地是在地底下,敌人会花几天来找到你的基地,而你同时在挖钻石或工作在农场上,节省了时间。



3:防御 每个好的庇护所需要陷阱和防御!首先,我们要有墙。一堵好的墙应该包含至少一层黑曜石或水层来抵御爆炸冲击,并且要保证用一把没有附魔的钻石镐挖墙的所需时间至少为1分钟。要延长渗透庇护所的时间,就需要以棋盘的形式放置木板和圆石,迫使玩家缓慢破坏木板或选择用斧进行破坏。陷阱是一种很好的防御,它可以让敌人在穿过墙壁时感到意外,但通常并不可靠。


4:盟友 这是一个掌握 PvP 优势的重要秘密!可靠的盟友在很多任务里都很有用,如作为你的一个枯燥简单的黄金守卫者。小心选择你的盟友,因为盟友的背叛或熟练程度不足的盟友会很容易地妨碍甚至摧毁你在 PvP 的宏图大计。匆忙在这方面通常是一种浪费。

5:含一个帮派插件的结实庇护所 如果你正在游玩的服务器有帮派插件,你可以用水和廉价墙壁建造一堵不能通过的墙。要做到这点,沿着你的帮派领地边界里挖一个洞(切记要在你的帮派领地内,否则它将会被堵塞或被摧毁),直到挖到基岩。接着,用水覆盖你的庇护所,包括侧面以及屋顶,并让水向下流到基岩。确保TNT不能进入基地里。不能让你的基地和外部有方块的接触。水可以起到阻挡的作用,让你的基地对TNT无敌,并不能让敌人通过。唯一能够攻占的方式就是制作一个沙子/沙砾大炮(一个TNT大炮用来发射实体的不是TNT)。

空岛基地 得到足够的泥土来到达最大高度(大约3组)。然后用方块将自己垫起,当到达最顶端时,往下挖17格,做一个记号,之后造一个12*12的黑曜石平台(记得用sethome指令,如果可以)然后寻找你做的记号,往下挖两格,重复一遍,然后在底部铺满熔岩(强烈推荐用抗火药水)。用末影之眼,挖掉垫脚的泥土,然后在熔岩触底的地方挖一个12*12的沟。然后传送上去,可以用末影之眼(可能会尝试多次)或者/home,你可以增加你想要的物品。最后在边缘加红石块和边上的一圈一个高的环用来射箭和装发射器来打倒侵略者。



问题:敌人可以炸墙并大洞进入。 解决方案:用黑曜石加固外墙来防止用TNT炸开和快速挖掘通过,然后用水覆盖。为了万无一失,建造两层。第一层用来防止传送漏洞,当中再建造一层,第二层为了防止别人拿到你的箱子,在箱子外面放置两层黑曜石来防止传送错误。

  • 问题:敌人通过空袭容易抓住你。


  • 问题:敌人能穿墙进入。


  • 问题:没有熔岩。


  • 问题:敌人打地洞。


  • 问题:你困住了你自己



当基地即将被占领,当你要逃亡时,记得启动自毁程序。一边摧毁基地一边逃脱是很重要的。自毁程序一定要做到清除里面的所有生命,而且仍然需要被好好的隐藏起来。这很难,所以你需要试验。当你需要时,启动倒计时并逃跑。末影箱是好东西,因为它能够帮你转移所有原有的物品。 逃脱池对于地上的基地是很重要的,因为它可以帮你无伤降落到地底,之后你可以挖上来,如果你有一个以上的池子,你就可以和你的朋友一起逃脱。当你完成后,用活塞封住这个池子。


在 PvP 里,并不是所有的帮派战争都会被预先设置。和你的帮派一起组织袭击。寻找一些服务器来当作帮派语音聊天主机。这将会允许你调整对敌对庇护所以及他们的建筑的攻击。连接到这个主机的帮派成员越多,你就越有可能看见胜利的曙光了。与你的帮派成员保持联系,增加你的成功几率。




PvP 里面的大规模战斗可以由脚本、个人谋杀或企图谋杀而引发。整个帮派都会用一切的防御、障碍以及隧道投入战斗。


总而言之,开放区域战斗就是多个帮派在同一区域战斗。这会引起混乱或争斗。一定要为此做好准备。 首先,开放区域战争的要点就是尽可能减小损失,哪怕是放弃胜利。为什么呢?因为这类战斗会造成巨大的破坏。



  • 装甲兵。这些士兵拥有大量的附魔装备。生产成本很高!
  • 步兵。这些士兵拥有无附魔的护甲。生产成本很低,但使用的铁要更多。
  • 杀手。非常昂贵,非常强大。可以一击杀死一个钻石护甲的装甲兵!需要作弊才能建造。
  • 外籍兵。他们是拿着外来的武器,穿着不同等级的在护甲。他们不难对付,但是在这种情况中很难自杀。成本不高,但建造需要时间。


  1. 吸引敌人。
  2. 从战斗主区域跑到没人的区域。



第一种方案是敌人拥有大量的弓箭手时才使用的。把一波穿着等级适中的护甲,拥有少量瞬间伤害 II 药水以及一些技巧的士兵送上去以吸引敌人。





  • 大规模的弓箭手和狙击手(这些兵可以在前线造成很大的破坏。要尽可能地杀死他们。)
  • 一个坚固的、不断进行阻击的前线(很难与这些前线进行战斗,但是你可以使用一个玩家冲向他们然后逃跑来引诱他们。)




如果一个杀手正在追赶你,然后要杀他,你需要变得足够聪明。记住,3个瞬间伤害 II 的药水会杀死任何类型的玩家。然而,要意识到,因为喷溅药水有影响半径,你可能会杀死你自己。喝下迅捷 II 药水可能给予你足够的空间来跑出那里。(注意,如果正在处理一个黑客,他可能会给予他/她自己一个迅捷 II、IV 或 V Buff,但是因为极高的速度很有可能把你打过头。)

这个战略在杀手目前是非常不好的,因为他们拥有保护 X 护甲以及可以使用许多命令。杀死他的最佳方法就是用力量 V 的弓。确保你正在一个坚固而隐蔽的庇护所里,这样做你可以杀死他。在使用弓与箭把他削弱后,然后使用装甲之剑结束他。确保你拥有许多金苹果以及水,因为火效果会持续一段时间,以及他非常强大。同时,使用 TNT 会造成大量的伤害。






  • 至少有保护III附魔的钻石护甲(在水附近战斗时为 水下呼吸 III)。
  • 钻石剑至少附魔锋利II(锋利IV/V会好得多)及火焰附加II。(最好有击退)
  • 附魔的弓
  • 最少32支箭(或1支如果附魔弓有无限)。
  • 回复II或再生II的药水。
  • 可能还要一些伤害的药水。
  • 药水,尤其是力量II。
  • 基本工具(镐,斧,铲可能有用)。
  • 一个或多个末影珍珠快速逃生或回复生命值。
  • 延长版的抗火药水。
  • 延长版的水下呼吸药水。
  • 隐身药水
  • 一组的圆石/泥土。
  • 一组战备食物,如肉、面包、尤其是金苹果
  • 如果可以的话,至少1附魔金苹果,這将使你能够逃避团团围住后死亡。
  • 至少一桶的牛奶来解毒。
  • 至少有一桶熔岩。



  • 轻度附魔的铁盔甲。
  • 铁剑或者钻石剑,有锋利附魔则更好, 火焰附加并不是那么好用,因为战斗都是速战速决的。
  • 带上弓箭,但不要使它成为主武器,除非你是个弓箭手。
  • 带上喷溅的再生药水II和治疗药水II。
  • 带上一些喷溅性的有害药水,但告诉他们不要把他们随便扔在地上,除非扔在地上后会伤害多个敌人。
  • 带上一些增益的药水,特别是力量II。
  • 一些工具,[镐,锹,以及斧]
  • 一组圆石。
  • 尽可能多的战备物资,如肉、面包、尤其是金苹果



  • 铁或钻石盔甲,应该给他高等级的弹射物保护和火焰保护。
  • 一把剑,以防万一,最好是铁剑及以上。
  • 弓,每个附魔是有好处的,根据敌人的情况,他们可能需要大量的箭,每个推荐多个附魔。每一个弓的附魔都是好的,但力量或火矢是更可取的。他们应该在不能逃脱或正在治愈自己的低防御力的敌人射击。
  • 带上一些喷溅性的有害药水,但告诉他们不要把他们随便扔在地上,除非扔在地上后会伤害多个敌人。
  • 一些工具,如镐、锹以及斧
  • 使用末影之眼快速逃脱
  • 一组圆石
  • 3组箭矢,或者一支箭和一把无限弓
  • 一桶的液体,最好是熔岩,这样做有利于拖慢敌人的速度,甚至杀死比你强大的多的敌人
  • 尽可能多的战备物资,如肉、面包、尤其是金苹果



  • 铁盔甲。条件允许的话可以附魔上火焰保护和(或)弹射物保护。
  • 一把弓。击退附魔在这种狙击的距离下会显得无用;火矢附魔可以发挥致命的威力,但是只有在敌人没有水源以灭火或没有抗火药水时才起作用;对抗重甲时,高等级的力量附魔十分必要。推荐组合:力量V,无限,(如果可能)耐久。
  • (可选)抗火药水。
  • 基本工具(镐,斧,铲等)
  • (可选)一个末影珍珠以便快速逃脱。
  • 一组圆石。
  • 一组箭。
  • (可选)一桶液体,推荐带岩浆以减慢或烧死近战更强力的敌人。
  • 一些食物:不一定必须要快速食用,毕竟他们在大部分时间都是远离前线的。因此即使是蛋糕或者曲奇也管用。

Exotic: Carry everything people forget about, potions galore, multiple buckets of lava, Ender pearls, a flint and steel and more. Cheap and powerful in factions with potion-making technology, but much less effective before that level of technology. They are what the smarter juggernauts dread, as their weaponry cuts through any one Juggernaut almost as effectively as it does armorless archers. A smart way to combat this as a Juggernaut is to back off and let them overextend (or as a leader assign one sniper/archer to support every Juggernaut, in which case the Juggernaut can just say to the archer,"shoot that menacing exotic". Then close them off and fight them, as exotics carry AoE weapons, and in close quarters can either hurt themselves or not fight at all.

We recommend:

  • Iron armor, to prevent easily getting killed.
  • A sword if possible, Knockback and Fire Aspect are extremely valuable. Better wood with Knockback I and Fire Aspect I than diamond without.
  • A bow, every enchantment is good, but punch and flame are extremely important.
  • Flint and steel.
  • 1-16 Ender pearls.
  • Buckets of lava, at least 2.
  • Buckets of milk, at least 2.
  • A fire resistance potion, or perhaps 2.
  • 2-3 invisibility potion extended.
  • A 22-second regeneration II potion, or perhaps 2.
  • 4 splash potions of Instant Healing II. If you have a medic, specially one for yourself, then these are not required.
  • 13 splash potions of Instant Damage II.
  • A stack of golden carrots. The hunger bar will drop the slowest if you only eat golden carrots.
  • A stack of cobblestone.
  • A shovel
  • A stack of arrows.

This will be 32 inventory slots, it is recommended that they carry an empty bucket to auto-stack empty milk and lava buckets into. Also note that the invisibility potion users should always have one empty slot on their hot bar, as swords can be seen even under the potion effects. They should be used to teleport on or over the walls while invisible to allow the heavy troops to come in safely.

  • Basic tools.
  • a stack of cobblestone.
  • food.



被杀了?有了这个教程和一些练习,你可以以铁敌钻石! 第一,剑就是一切。杀死你的敌人,然后他就再也不会伤害你。除非你是一个tank而且有一些幸运30等级附魔的剑,永远记住剑将在每一天救你一命。

皮革甲 最弱的装甲,完整皮革甲会保护你28%的伤害。如果任何一个人有完整皮革甲,他们想要得到的东西(因为死亡的风险高),是一把铁剑因为皮革和铁一样容易被找到。如果你用铁/石剑伏击他们,你大多数情况下应该能够获得2或3暴击伤害。每个暴击伤害应该能够输出6-7伤害(♥♥♥-3.5颗心)。 请注意他们或许会逃跑。最好做的事情是抄近路,意味着如果他等着看到一堵墙去转向,当他转向的时候右转,那样的话你会接近他因为你们在同一个地方且他的移动的最多。如果你有空余的饥饿,跳着冲刺过去杀死他。

金甲 许多人不用这种装甲,且它如果完全磨损,会保护44%的伤害。一次来自钻石剑的暴击会对它伤害♥♥♥颗心。

锁链甲 这时最少用的装甲,因为它是那样的难得到。保护48%的伤害,它和金甲的效果差不多、

铁甲 第二好的装甲以及最有效的装甲之一(由于铁很容易被找到)铁甲作为第二好的装甲,看起来相当弱。保护60%的伤害。 一把石剑会伤害一整颗心,如果没有自带增益性魔法。一次来自钻石剑的暴击会对它伤害1.5-♥♥颗心。而且如果附上锋利,则会伤害♥♥到2.5颗心。

钻石甲 最强的装甲。它承受许多伤害。甚至一把锋利 V (5)的剑也只会伤害♥到1.5颗心。保护80%的伤害。如果全部被附魔上了保护IV,那么一把锋利V剑只会伤害0.5-♥颗心。.


如果你看到一个强大的敌人朝你走来。如果你有力量II的药水,喝它。在Minecraft 1.6.1中,他们会将你输出的伤害增加260%!甚至,如果他们有完整保护IV附魔而你有锋利III,你仍有机会因为你每次输出♥到♥♥的伤害!注意♥♥只会在暴击中输出。如果服务器有一个插件显示敌人的生命值,那更好!




如果你在不可能扫射的地方,又不在水里,也不是要把某人打下山,那么跳跃,击打且同时阻塞他们。同时握住鼠标左键和右键,这会让你受到更少的伤害而仍然对你的对手输出伤害。 如果你在山上而某人正在反复地击打你,你应该跳过他们,然后他们会到更高点,所以战斗就变成了你擅长和偏爱的那种。


在平地上,在受到伤害一秒后,你应该一直冲刺,如果可能的话。这会消除冲刺失误的可能性。注意从Minecraft 1.7开始,你可以按键盘上的Ctrl键进行冲刺。 当你在冲刺时,你会重重的击退别人,而这会让你更少地被敌人击中。






  • 尽可能地多拿箭(除非你的弓有无限附魔)
  • 盔甲(除非是一次自杀式袭击)
  • 食物(没有必要准备高饱和值的食物,毕竟狙击手们大都远离正面交锋的地方)










Less Typical Inventories

Juggernaut Supreme: The title says it all. You are the breaking point, the tip of the spear, the delayer and slayer of many. Setting up this formation on someone is almost impossible, because almost no faction would be nuts or truly powerful enough in order to invest such severe amounts of effort into one possible betrayer or poorly skilled player,and so you must get the equipment and enchants yourself, assuming you think you can live up to your role. There should be 3 max in an entire army.

You will need:

  • Protection IV & Feather Falling IV diamond boots
  • Protection IV & Thorns III diamond Leggings
  • Protection IV & Thorns III diamond chestplate (Note: you only need thorns on one armor piece because minecraft picks the highest thorns when calculating this.)
  • Protection IV & Respiration lll & Aqua Affinity l diamond helmet
  • Sharpness V + Knockback II + Fire Aspect II diamond sword
  • 6 potions of Healing II
  • 6 splash potions of Healing II
  • 64 steaks
  • 64 obsidian
  • 4 splash potions of Instant Damage II
  • 4 splash potions of Poison II
  • 2 potions of Fire Resistance Extended
  • 2 potions of Invisibility Extended
  • 2 potions of Strength II
  • 2 potions of Regeneration II
  • 2 potions of Swiftness II
  • 32 Ender pearls
  • 1 Efficiency IV-V diamond pickaxe

Note that anything that you can enchant with Unbreaking III, you should.

Now you may be very confused by the lack of bows, an entirely full inventory, and lack of flint and steel, snowballs, fire charges, and other odds and ends. However, this army leading paladin of doom is solely here in order to charge and break lethal formations of enemies while weathering the basic full force of an opposing army. While it does demolish anything that comes near, it generally needs backup to create a lethal movement, including 2 tough, inexpesive guards and many archers to stave off foes so that the Juggernaut Supreme will be able to reasonably handle the flow of enemies. When playing this, take your potions!


These infantry are basically meat sheilds that absorb damage while other troops deal damage. They should be deployed on the front lines, but retreat backwards when they eventulyly get low on health.

*Diamond Armour (Thorns, Unbreaking, as well as various types of protection spread throughout the set)

*Iron Sword (Knockback, Fire Aspect (Optional))

*15 potions of Regeneration

*7 stacks of snowballs/eggs.

*5 splash potions of poison

*64 steak

*5 potions of fire resistance (for nether operations, replace with regen potions or steak in other situations)

Mob Herder

These guys take mobs into battle. Advisable mobs (carefully researched) are:

  • spider/cave spider
  • witch
  • killer bunny, if you can get one

Keep these guys 20+ blocks from the main army. Give invisibility and snowballs to goad mobs.

Quick Builder

You will need: These are for insta-cover. Useful in an open-field battle that's a little too open-field, or defending aboveground fortresses. OK for sieges too.

  • Leather armour dyed with a good camo color
  • Diamond or iron shovel with as high Efficiency as affordable
  • Diamond pick with as high Efficiency as affordable; Make it higher than the shovel unless both are max
  • 3-5 stacks dirt
  • 3-5 stacks sand
  • 3-5 stacks cobble
  • 1-2 stacks obsidian (If so, pick MUST be Efficiency IV or V)
  • A few lava buckets
  • 1-2 stacks of a material that blends into the battlefield
  • Map (For spotting locations that need cover)
  • iron/stone sword (Just in case)
  • TNT and flint and steel (Optional)
  • If in 1.8, give a few of them banners if seige/open battle, not if stealth mission, obviously.

Ender Exotic

Now say you want a base in the end, or to attack someone elses. But every time you go in, one of your players looks an enderman in the eye, and you have to retreat before you even reach the enemy base. Enter the ender exotic. These specialist troops are best deployed in groups of five for stealth, and up to fifteen for attack, and perfect for any activity involving the end you could care to think of.

You will need:

  • 5 stacks of ender pearls
  • a pumpkin (not good for camouflage. use only when enderman numbers are high).
  • 5 stacks of snowballs (for clearing endermen without provoking them)
  • an UNENCHANTED bow
  • a stack of arrows
  • an efficiency V diamond pick
  • lightly enchanted diamond armour. If stealth is your goal, instead use purple and light green leather armour (only the boots should ever be light green). Whichever you choose, feather falling boots are COMPULSORY!
  • 3-5 water buckets
  • for endermite clearance, 2-3 splash potions of harming II
  • possibly 1-4 potions of jump boost II
  • a stack of ladders
  • 1-3 stacks of food
  • an iron sword, just in case. For a stealth mission, it should at most have sharpness I. If it is a combat mission, up to sharpness V and knockback II.
  • finally, you must be able to remember the golden rule: naturally, the end is very dark. DO NOT USE FIRE OR LIGHT SOURCES! EVER! (this includes underground as bugs can allow the light to shine up).


You know the problem, everyone has full inventories during battle and all the enemy drops despawn. Enter the plunderer. These guys need a couple guards, but pay for themselves in a single battle, usually. Pre-battle, craft as many chests as possible and put them down. Deliver stuff to the chests.

You will need:

  • 10-12 stacks logs, because planks take up more space (For chests)
  • leather armour
  • Weak sword (He can use a plundered one later)
  • 4-5 other plunderers
  • 2-3 guards
  • Ender chest (Have a guy at base with another ender chest grabbing the most valuable loot in case you lose)
  • Lava bucket (Commit suicide if it's hopeless -- You lose your loot, but the enemy doesn't get it back. Also use to dispose of useless loot)


The need for these arises when you are raiding an enemy base and there are traps protecting it. MAKE SURE that they will respawn in your base when they are killed, as this feature is key to their deployment and use. Their purpose is to simply charge at the base and try to get in (some infantry should accompany them as guards before they can do this so they arentt massacred by defending troops). This will set off any traps and defenses that the enemy has to keep you from iniltrating their fortress. Make sure to send them in groups , as some bases may have booby traps that only set off after multiple triggers. They can also act as cannon fodder to distract enemy archers.

*1 Speed Potions (to avoid enemy archer fire)

Spelunker: Cave bases. Those are relatively common in mountainous servers. These are relatively hated. From their almost-impregnable bases, they can send hordes of marauders to harass your troops as they search around for the well-hidden base. But let's say you found the cave that holds the base. Sending a massive army into a cave isn't really a good thing. Lack of visibility, ravines, purposely set traps, etc. Enter the Spelunker. The Spelunker is specifically trained to search out enemy bases with the appropriate gear, find said base, and make a successful raid on that base. Basically, cave commandos.

  • Diamond sword, Sharpness I
  • Fire Resistance Potions ( x 6 )
  • Full iron armor( with feather falling boots )
  • Night Vision potion ( x10 )
  • Diamond pickaxe with Efficiency
  • ( in real life ) pencil and paper

Pig rider Use as a prelude to any powerful attack. Minimal equipment, as their purpose is to disorganise the enemy battle line. Hard to get people (except noobs) to play as the risk of death is MASSIVE. give these:

  • carrots on sticks (if you are entering an extended battle, two)
  • leather cap and tunic ( unenchanted )
  • a stone sword

Minecart Charger

  • 2-3 minecarts
  • Diamond or Iron armor, lightly enchanted if enchanted.
  • Diamond or Iron sword with as high Knockback as you can get.
  • Bow with as high Punch as you can get.
  • A stack of arrows (or just 1 arrow if the bow has Infinity)
  • A stack of snowballs or eggs.
  • A stack of battle-ready food

The Minecart Charger is for keeping momentum. It pushes back enemies and can pierce holes through enemy lines, then should retreat and let heavy troops through before punching another hole.

Berserker got someone crazed with battle lust? send them in and let them go crazy! all they need to remember is to constantly sprint-jump. Have them fill their hunger bar before the battle with high saturation foods ready for this. best in groups of 1-5, spread out so they do not injure each other. Very good vs cavalry. They should have:

  • full leather armour. Give it projectile protection and dye it in combos of red and black.
  • axes. these have a higher random crit chance than swords, and should be enchanted with sharpness and knockback, as well as fire aspect.


The counterbalance to the berserker, these warriors MUST be expert strafers. They are designed to charge and destroy large infantry formations. Their skill, gaudy outfits and calmness in the face of overwhelming power is simply terrifying! To be one of these requires not just skill but an ability to control both your fear and anger.

You will need:

  • leather armour, with feather falling and combos of red and light green, orange and blue or yellow and purple. This distracts the enemies eye. Even better, field three, each one having a different colour combo! this works with any other multiple of three too.
  • diamond swords, with sharpness, knockback and fire aspect as high as you can get them.
  • three extended potions of jump boost, swiftness and strength


  • Full Juggernaut armor
  • A good enchanted sword
  • Three or five potions, splash and regular
  • Power IV bow

From this you'll get a very mixed inventory. If you happen to get the inventory filled with random items, the best thing to do is to keep away from the initial battle, as staying in the center of it will mean that the enemy will likely loot your stuff upon death. Mixed inventories are better when you don't have a restrictive inventory like a Sniper, and in 1v1 duels.

Boat Troopers: These trained troops are your infantry in sea! Better than Aqua Troops, and Boat Troopers strike in numbers of usually 2-6, so enemy forts can be attacked and taken by boats.

  • 10-20 boats
  • At least iron sword, enchanted if possible
  • Iron to diamond armor
  • Bow with 64-128 arrows (or one arrow for infinity enchanted bow)
  • Potions of healing (8-16)

Footnote: Boat Troopers, like Infantry, are semi-expendable and easily replaced.

Spy This is ultimate for assassination and scouting the base, but quite useless in meat shield ops.

  • Full UNENCHANTED leather armor
  • Diamond sword with Sharpness V
  • Three stacks of steak
  • 1-12 potions of Invisiblity
  • Bow with Infinity I enchant
  • 5 potion of Swiftness II
  • An arrow
  • Basic iron tools with Unbreaking & Efficiency III
  • Book and quill (pen and paper are more foolproof from losing what you just have written in your book and quill)

This is the best way to take out pesky snipers. Also for stealing things from other people and destroying traps such as self-destruct devices activator, or the entire redstone system in the whole base. It's highly not recommended to carry book and quill, because... umm... Ok let's just say you're in the enemy base, and you saw a hole in their wall. You will write that in your book and quill. Now some of the enemies has noticed you where you are and what you're doing. They'll catch and kill you and they see the book and quill on the floor what you dropped. They will read it and realize that there's a hole in the wall. See? Its more wise to write all that thing into your nice real live paper! Note: You'll NEED to leave some space in your inventory if you're destroying something.

Cheat User there are only three ways to get one of these: a bug in the anti-cheat software, them being an op or admin or the server allowing anyone to use cheats (very rare). But ok, however its happened, you have one. Heres how to use him.

  • you know those fantasy books where the wizard cannot wear armour because it "dulls his magical senses"? well, how wrong can you get? give this guy maxed out gold or diamond armour. the only thing you should leave out is thorns.
  • at the start of the battle, build, or get him to make appear, a defended tower. it should have no way up,except tp, and be made of obsidian. from there, he can throw thunderbolts at people and set them on fire(the top room should be made of glass allowing him to see). it should go up 60+ blocks.
  • another thing which should be noted is that if he switches to spectator mode, he makes a great spy. how best to discover your enemy generals top secret invasion plan? possess the enemy genral!

Builder: If you get the role of a Builder, you are probably the one that stays behind to repair castle walls and to build last-minute fortifications. If you do get stuck with this job, you better know how to build a somewhat decent fort, or be good at Redstone. If not, the tables will turn. You should get:

  • At least 256 redstone dust.
  • At least 64 repeaters.
  • At least 64 redstone torches.
  • TNT (Use in quick TNT cannons and destruction of buildings for fear of them being in enemy hands).
  • One or two stacks of stone or stone-based materials (cobblestone, stone bricks, mossy cobblestone, etc.).
  • Ladders.
  • Basic tools (pickaxe, shovel, axe).
  • Obsidian (If so, get a diamond pickaxe).
  • Sand or gravel (Somewhat better than stone-based blocks, as walls of sand will continuously fall every time someone tries to break it, but less as sand is less blast resistant and is mined faster than stone).
  • 7 lava buckets.
  • 1 donkey with a chest containing an Ender chest inside.

Mechanist -Creates slime block mechs and missiles, used to either destroy a target with great intimidating force or just for mass destruction and intimidation as well

  • 4 stacks of slimeblocks
  • 2 stacks of pistons or more
  • 1.5 stacks of sticky pistons or more
  • 2 stacks of redstone blocks
  • boats
  • Knowledge on how to build mechs, bombers and missiles

This class is a technical class that can be used in 1.8 servers but however, it may cause lots of lag(recommended for an entrance into the battlefield or for breaching a hole). It is crucial you understand the full mechanics of the slimeblocks otherwise, you'll fail the raid and be hunted down along with your crew. This class is useful for raiding skybases because of that fact that the missiles are flying. This class can also bring rise to the kamikaze which is quite effective. This class isn't for everyone.

Weapon Team want an artillery system that is easier to understand than a TNT cannon, but can still do damage? The weapon team is for you! it consists of a dispenser filled with fire charges, arrows or splash potions, attached to a lever.

It should have two crew members, a rapid clicker (loops make the machine too hard to transport) and one redstone expert. They should be armed the same as warriors, but with bows instead of swords.

Saboteur: Slightly worse than Spy, since this guy has no armor and iron sword.

  • 1 iron sword (Sharpness I or II is recommended)
  • 3 Invisibility potions (extended)
  • Lots of food
  • Bow (Power I or II and Punch I is recommended)
  • A stack of blocks (cobblestone, dirt)
  • 2 buckets of lava
  • Bucket of water
  • As much TNT as possible
  • Flint and steel
  • No armor
  • 2 of each potion: Instant Health, Swiftness (Splash is not recommended)
  • 1 stack of arrows
  • 1 or more stacks of Ender pearls
  • 1 stone pickaxe

Note: if you upgrade the gear this could be a great assassain.

The saboteur can be a deadly class if correctly used. The key to becoming good saboteur is always running away at the slightest sign of danger and always killing the enemy when they are not looking. As they have no armor they die quite easily and are extremely vulnerable when not invisible, but if they have armor, then they are even more vulnerable if they have armor, since the enemy can spot then, even if they are invisible. Remember, a saboteur's goal is to inflict the highest damage as possible and then to run away. (Do not bring diamonds on a saboteur mission as the risk of death is high.


  • 15-17 Splash Potion of Healing II
  • Iron sword, slightly enchanted
  • Bow
  • 32 arrows
  • Iron armor enchanted with Protection I
  • 64 steak

Not quite good in this example, but useful for healing your friends (be aware of saboteurs and spies because when they're trying to backstab you, you can accidentally heal them).

Siege Trooper:

  • Iron sword
  • If using armor, gold to iron
  • Bow (Optional)
  • A few arrows (Optional)
  • Lots of cobblestone
  • Some redstone
  • Lots of levers
  • Lots of sand
  • Lots of TNT
  • Lots of redstone repeaters

This class is used for, well, as the title says, laying siege on overground fortresses. They are used to build TNT Cannons, Flying Machines, battering rams (Close-to-the-ground flying machines with TNT on the front) etc. Good for castles, towers, and sometimes sky bases, but useless against underwater and underground bases.


  • Efficiency IV pickaxe (diamond, or even better, gold with Unbreaking III)
  • Iron sword
  • 1-3 potions of Night Vision ext
  • 1-3 potions of Fire Resistance ext
  • If any armor, iron
  • 4-5 TNT + Method of lighting (flint and steel, lever, redstone torch etc.)

This class is used, unlike the above, to raid underground bases. Dig around a base to find weak points, then blast them with TNT. By no means a solo worker, this class will need a couple of infantry and at least 1 more Mole to work well. In an field battle, send a team of Moles with maps along with a couple if Juggernauts underground to go to the second or third enemy line, then quickly come out and slaughter unsuspecting players. After the alarm is raised, they should go back to the front lines, as once the alarm is raised, the enemy might foolishly send their front-line solders to kill the now-nonexistent infiltrator, leveing the enemy front line weak.

Aqua Trooper:

  • Iron sword, best if it has Sharpness or Knockback. Fire Aspect is useless in water.
  • A bow with Power lll to V Punch lll and Infinity l (along with an arrow)
  • Leather cap with as high Respiration as you can get, dyed blue
  • Rest of armor leather, also blue dye
  • 2-5 stacks of snowballs or eggs
  • A lot of water breathing and night vision potions extended.
  • A couple of boats for escape

This class is used for fighting in water. It can kill almost anyone by sinking under them, then, as they pursue, surfacing and pinning the enemy down with snowballs or eggs. Since armor does not block drowning, this is a good way to kill juggernauts.

Nether Exotic: For Nether-based operations.

  • Gold or iron sword, Knockback+Fire Aspect crucial
  • Red dyed leather armor (or better). Feather Falling is good, fire protection is mandatory unless using potions of fire resistance
  • 3 buckets of lava, plus several extra for picking up lava from lava seas
  • 3 buckets of milk
  • 1-2 stacks of snowballs or eggs
  • 3-5 splash potions of Instant Damage II
  • 2-4 splash potions of Poison II
  • 5 splash potions of Instant Health II
  • 2 flint and steels
  • Lots of fire resistance potions (ext)
  • Possibly some TNT
  • 16 Ender pearls
  • Flame+Power bow and 64 arrows (or 1 arrow and Infinity)
  • Fishing Rod (for pulling enemies into lava)

Jungle/Forest Exotic

  • Lime or Green dyed Leather armor with Protection/Projectile Protection, 2 to 5 Thorns on the chest, and Feather Falling 4 on the boots
  • Iron or Diamond sword any enchantment, fire aspect is preferred.
  • Bow, with any enchantment.
  • Splash Potions of Instant Damage, Poison, and/or Slowness
  • Potion of Fire Resistance, Instant Health, Regeneration, and/or Strength
  • Flint and Steel

Used in teams of 1-4 if battling in a jungle and/or forest.

Urban Soldier Pretty much any class can be used once you're fighting urban warfare, from juggernauts to cataphracts. But for specialized urban warfare, ( think: a battle set in a urban setting, with lots of cover zones and places to hide ) you need the urban soldier. An archer and soldier rolled into one, the urban soldier can fight and shoot whenever needed.

  • Iron armor, Protection III, Fire Protection III, and Unbreaking I
  • Diamond sword, Sharpness II and Unbreaking II
  • Bow, Power III-V, Flame, Infinity, and Unbreaking II
  • Healing II potion ( x5 )
  • Arrow

Sky Archer

This is it. You are the ultimate sniper/archer, the top warrior in your faction. Your base was raided maybe once? The enemy never saw you coming.

  • Iron sword or better with Knockback II (Sharpness not required)
  • Iron armor with Protection II at least
  • A Super bow (Power V, Flame I, Punch II, Infinity I, Unbreaking III) and 1 arrow

33 Instant Damage II Potions

You may be confused about all the potions, but your skybase should have a brewing stand, with a melon farm and a pigman/creeper grinder for all the potions. They really make a difference.

Mage:This is an class that is good for not very good pvpers, and deals extreme damage if used correctly. It uses potions and severely enchanted armors and swords. it can easily kill an juggernaut, with Harm potions. Is better to equip gold or diamond armor and swords, because of their high enchantments. Its expensive, but less expensive than a juggernaut, their main drawback is that their need to go alone, because the de-buff potions can kill several allies very easily.

  • Sword (if diamond, bring one, if gold, bring three) enchanted with Fire Aspect, Sharpness, knockback (to push away strong players that managed to reach close)
  • Armor (if diamond, brings only one set. if gold, brings two sets) enchanted with protection, thorns, and feather falling.
  • Potions. bring at least 10 harm II potions, 5 poison, some slow (3, or 4) to slow down other players using speed potions, and buff potions in general.
  • Cobwebs. slow down heavy armor players to kill them with your enchanted blade.

Wolf Commander

  • Full iron to diamond armor, not enchanted
  • 6-20 wolves
  • Iron sword, lightly enchanted
  • Two stacks of bones (for wolf taming)
  • Two stacks of rotten flesh (for wolf healing)
  • A stack of roast chicken
  • Bow
  • Two stacks of arrows

This guy will attack in group of 2-4. The wolf commander can also tame other wolfes found from other place.


  • Chain armor, Protection II
  • Iron sword, Sharpness III
  • Bow with Infinity I and Flame I
  • 1 arrow
  • 10 healing potions
  • Horse
  • Iron horse armor, Protection I

When you are trying to raid an enemy-controlled village, or even the village of a small faction, you'll need a bunch of infantry and Skirmishers. These chain dudes can accompany the soldiers to the target, and while the infantry is raiding and wrecking, well, the village defenses are going to arrive. That's what the skirmishers are for. Attacking and holding off defenders. Skirmishers also can function as light cavalry, supporting attacks on enemy flanks.

Charger: The basic cavalry of an army, these troops rely on brute force and Skirmishers to prevent them from getting into massacres. Chargers are pretty hard to defeat, as from an infantry's point of view, a solid line of iron-armored troops on iron-armored horses charging towards the infantry. They're also good at charging, hence the name.

  • Iron armor, Protection II and Unbreaking II
  • Iron sword, Sharpness II, Unbreaking II
  • Horse
  • Iron horse armor, Protection II
  • 15 healing potions
  • 34 wheat, for healing horse during a pitched fight

Knight: Heavy chargers, the knight is a force to be reckoned with. Much more cheaper to build than the formidable cataphract, the knight is still a versatile soldier and can break the lines of many infantry.

  • Iron armor, Protection IV and Unbreaking III
  • Iron sword, Sharpness IV, Unbreaking III
  • Horse
  • Iron horse armor, Protection III
  • 15 healing potions
  • 34 wheat for healing horse


Basically a juggernaut on a horse, the cataphract was an eastern cavalry type. Apparently some faction servers have adopted the cataphract as its supreme warrior. More deadly than juggernauts, the cataphract is usually deployed against important targets. However, this unit is weak against aquatic soldiers, so beware. Cataphracts are expensive to field, so you should only have a few.

  • Protection IV diamond boots
  • Protection IV diamond leggings
  • Protection IV & Thorns III diamond chestplate (Note: you only need thorns on one armor piece because minecraft picks the highest thorns when calculating this.)
  • Protection IV & Respiration III & Aqua Affinity diamond helmet
  • Sharpness V + Knockback II + Fire Aspect II diamond sword
  • 10 potions of Healing II
  • 10 splash potions of Healing II
  • 1 bow, Infinity I, Power V, and Flame
  • 64 steaks
  • 1 horse
  • Diamond horse armor, Protection II, Unbreaking II
  • 4 splash potions of Instant Damage II
  • 4 splash potions of Poison II
  • 5 potions of Fire Resistance Extended
  • 5 potions of Strength II
  • 5 potions of Regeneration II
  • 5 potions of Swiftness II


So when you raided that last base, you took some slaves hey? Well put them to tood use in battle. They are great for absorbing firepower. give them one "slavemaster" to every 2-3 slaves. Keep the slavemasters out of combat as their weapons are designed for goading slaves forward, not doing damage. Also, clear their inventories after each battle (or if you can't, kill them). You never know what they might have picked up! Slavemaster should have:

  • full iron gear, lightly enchanted
  • sticks enchanted with knockback
  • snowballs enchanted with punch
  • an iron sword with sharpness I, just in case
  • a lead and fence to recapture any deserting slaves

Slaves should have:

  • Unenchanted leather armour. Dye it bright colours if you want them to be arrow magnets.
  • unenchanted stone or iron swords
  • maybe a bow and half a stack of arrows

Remember to be merciful to your slaves. I set mine free and they join my army as melee troopers if they survive four battles, or manage to kill something big like a juggernaut supreme. Feed them well, give them shelter, and don't just kill them for fun. A friend of mine once did that, and his slaves revolted. To his credit, his ten faction members lasted three whole (minecraft) days before they were overwhelmed by about ten times their number. I was on that server too, and I went to check out the remains once all the slaves had moved back to their faction lands, and what they left of his fort couldn't be described as a ruin. In general, follow the advice above, and ensure the number of slaves your faction owns never exceeds double the actual number of faction members. If you get too many, well, you can always just sell them to other factions!

Armored Archer: The armored archer is also another deadly class. Traditionally, archers have been lightly armed, but the armored archer is new. Heavily armored, and possessing some serious firepower, the armored archer can be sent into melee at need. Since the armored archer is an unorthodox class, the way these troops are also deployed is also unorthodox- armored archers are deployed in actual combat, filling enemy soldiers with arrows. Do not mass your armored archers with your main army, because, chances are, when you're surveying a battle, some of your troops will go up in flames, often ignited by the closeness of those troops with the armored archers. Rather, have them be at least 6 blocks away from the main army, protected by squads of 5-9 melee infantry, firing their arrows away at enemy formations. As with the mixed archer, a less expensive version of this troop, a person going for Armored Archer needs PERFECT aim and quick reflexes to fill in this versatile, deadly role. If a battle is going poorly, they can be used as reinforcements for the line infantry. ONLY do this if there is no other choice.

  • Projectile Protection IV and Fire Protection IV full diamond armor
  • A diamond sword with Unbreaking III and Sharpness I-III
  • 10 Splash potions of healing
  • A bow with Infinity, Power III-V, Unbreaking II, and Flame
  • 1 arrow
  • 5 splash potions of poison extended
  • 5 splash potions of Fire Resistance extended
  • 1 splash potion of regeneration
  • 5 ender pearls for emergency teleportation

Footnote: Can be used in boats. Best used in large-scale raids.

Mixed Archer An inexpensive variation on the armored archer, this class is best used in small, spread-out groups. You need PERFECT aim, yes, PERFECT aim for this class. Most effective for players having excellent skill with aiming & bows. Can also be sent into melee at the last need.

  • Iron Helmet with Protection III/IV
  • Diamond Chestplate with Projectile Protection III/IV & Thorns II(I)
  • Iron Leggings with Projectile Protection III/IV
  • Diamond Boots with Protection III/IV & Feather Falling II-IV
  • Super bow (see Sky Archer) & 1 arrow
  • Iron Sword with Sharpness II+ & Knockback II
  • 1 Invisibility (8:00) Potion for emergencies/stealth
  • 2 Ender Pearls for emergencies

You must be calm, cool, and collected for this class to go your way. Practice lots.

Wallbreakers Based off the Clash of Clans troop... Best used against aboveground fortresses with TNT-destroyable walls. The Wallbreaker is used when troops are exhausted and dozens of sieges have failed. Have this guy run up to enemy walls under the cover of nightfall and an invisibility potion, and place TNT around an area. Then, the Wallbreaker lights the charges. Leaders can have the Wallbreaker die with his explosives, or be the first unit inside the fortress.

  • Invisibility potion
  • 2 stacks of TNT
  • Flint and steel/redstone torch

Pyroshock This is the last say in most operations. Don't make your entire army out of them, though.

  • Diamond sword with Fire Aspect II
  • Iron to diamond armor with Protection II at least, plus Feather Falling
  • Bow with anything you can get on it, Infinity required
  • 1 arrow
  • Lava bucket
  • 2 Potion of Fire Resistance 8:00
  • 3 Potions of Swiftness II 4:00
  • 16 Ender Pearls
  • 1 Splash Potion of Invisibility 8:00
  • Diamond Pickaxe with Efficiency IV and Unbreaking















PvP 的幕后




If you want griefers or spawnkillers on your side, be really nice to them. Most of them are notoriously good at PvP from practice, and giving them a reason to be on your side through making sure they never have to worry about starving or being hunted by others is a good way to avoid alienating them. Ironically, this may be the most effective way to make allies with random people, giving them full access to all of your resources and your considerable efforts to be hospitable will generally remove any want to take your items. (As always, this may backfire).


If a server has an online dynamic map or if Rei's minimap is allowed (most likely), USE THEM. Rei's minimap helps you understand what structures are ahead of you, and Online maps show everything and also show locations of players. Use them to your advantage.



Defending Your Base

Let's say you're on a faction server and you have many enemies. Your base has not been found until now. Two guys each holding a Sharpness V, Fire Aspect II, Knockback II sword and wearing Protection IV armor are directly outside your base setting up a TNT cannon.

You should always have defenses that are innately active, such as obsidian and water to negate explosions and if available, a spawner that can funnel out mobs on command (go exploring for spawners) to distract and dangerously deter, or snow golems to break armor.

If you have these, don't jump down and PvP. Wait for the spawning mobs to break their armor, or call for your faction members and allies to assist in defeating the enemy.

In these cases, booby traps are good, so set up booby traps everywhere where the enemy can't find them. In fact, make some that are meant to make the enemy know about the traps but it itself is a trap. These work as warnings and signals. Use tripwires and wool under them to use as signals for example.

Hate the Spawn

If you're building a massive fortress near the spawn, a griefer or simply a plain idiot might run behind you and kill you, disassemble your fortress and run off with your materials. Well, the easiest method to prevent this is to build your house away from spawn and try to survive a good distance away from spawn. It is usually a good idea to use the /sethome command around this area where you wish to live, as if it is a long way away from spawn and you die, it's a long walk, or mad chase if there are spawnkillers with diamond armor and enchanted diamond swords. Using the /home command if you used /sethome cuts the time getting to your safe zone drastically, usually having the spawnkillers and griefers be dazzled in confusion.

What about my valuables?

The best way to keep your most precious valuables is put them in an ender chest. Then put a chest in your house with basic invaluable items in it (with a few valuables mixed in to help fool them), and bury a chest with 8 obsidian, an eye of Ender, a crafting table, and other less semi-valued objects in it a short way away from your house.

Even if your entire house is a crater and the ender chest you placed is destroyed, the chest you buried will still be safe, and your can craft an Ender chest with what is in it to access all your valuable items and loot in there, as well as the loot in your actual chest.

Basic PvP supply setup

The following is a step-by-step tutorial on how to survive while being new to a PvP server. Follow in this order:

  • Go solo for now. If the server you play on has Factions, make one to protect your stuff. Be sure to walk at least 5500 blocks. Using a boat is a good idea as you do not need food and can travel at night.
  • Go in the opposite direction people are moving toward. This prevents you from being noticed.
  • Make sure it is far away from anything. There's nothing more horrifying than your mortal enemies being your next-door neighbors.
  • Make a small, undetectable base. Underground is the least noticeable around layer 10 is ideal, putting you near good materials and hiding your nameplate on the surface.
  • Cheating is something that undermines every setup. Step carefully!
  • Start gathering immediately. Do them in this order;
  • -Get wood.
  • -Make a bed to set your new spawn point (unless your server is customized).
  • -Make chests and protect them.
  • -Build a farm.
  • -Find coal and iron.
  • -Look for diamond. Layer 12 eye position is the best, but look for caves especially.
  • -Mine obsidian and reinforce the walls of your base.
  • -Make a portal to the Nether in order to find blazes and nether wart.
  • -Once you have a blaze rod or two, start hunting for Endermen.
  • -Make an ender chest.
  • -Start brewing potions.
  • -Find leather and sugar canes.
  • -Make an enchantment table if you have the tools to and keep it well concealed.
  • -Make an anvil to combine enchantments.
  • -Enchant your diamond armor and sword.
  • -Tip: Enchant Some leather armor with Protection IV if possible and a stone or wooden sword with extreme enchantments. This will trick players into thinking "That guy is terrible and doesn't even have good armor". Then sneak and follow them (use an invisibility potion if you have one), and they may end up revealing a base or hidden valuables. If you know you can beat them then go for it. Big tip: use potions always!

Tip: You must have fallback in your base in the case of hard times. This means:

  • A renewable source of food,
  • A renewable source of wood, and
  • A set of stone tools to restart the gathering of supplies.
  • To make raids against you rare, it is recommended to live in the Nether (but not the End since it's highly coveted) where people normally don't go. It's dangerous, but not as dangerous as living in the overworld. Keep in mind, if you have a mining base, that too must be defended as since raiders can get there via the portal.
  • Make a faction and start recruiting.

-Note to do this when only a few people are online to make sure that nobody else is there to make you enemy (if you're lucky). (Factions is a Bukkit plugin and is not part of a vanilla server.)

That's it! Not too long ahead, you should become good enough to last through most attacks... eventually.



  • selling- in many faction servers you can sell, auction, and buy stuff. Check and see what you can sell. Most Faction servers allow you to sell cobblestone and dirt, quick ways of getting money.
  • Teleport killing- In the chat bar you see a new guy and you want to take his stuff. He doesn't have any faction, so you tell him "Teleport to me and you can join my faction" as soon as he arrives mercilessly slaughter him. (Note that this can create a bad image for you on the server and could potentially get you banned, so only do this on servers that this is allowed or you don't value).







  • 当个掷弹兵!


  • 闻鸡起舞!


  • 突击!


  • 有创意的战术和武器


  1. 药水(最有效的)
  2. 雪球和鸡蛋(击退别人)



  • “只有死者能看到战争的结束。”

对于菜鸟来说,有时候事情就是不尽人意。想象一下:你的小队散伙了,你被抛弃了,有几个敌人在搜索你的踪迹,你还饥肠辘辘。因此一定要保持独立性。如果你不这样做,想想后果:如果周围没人能帮你会怎样?如果你的领导者占着所有的贵重物品,并让他的手下(包括你)去送死会怎样?你必须自己收集资源,寻找任何类型的帮手,不管是只有石制工具的孤独的人,还是有着有保护IV附魔的钻石重甲的人。还要时刻保持警惕,这样你才可以建立一个自己的帮派。 小提示:因为任何人都有可能被收买……不管怎样,你要让你的基地不为人知、隐藏起来,还要有完备的防卫措施。 永远不要把它告诉任何人,这样它才会成为你的基地,一个只属于你的基地。

  • 多看些关于制作陷阱的视频与教程,还要懂得灵活运用。很多人都懂得怎样制作陷阱。这也许很不错,但另一方面,他们也许不会懂得如何把自己的知识转换为优势。试着将多种陷阱组合在一起并且在单人模式中即兴创作。
  • 别把自己逼上绝路。在铆足力气做事情之前先三思。首先考虑必须要有的东西(供给品之类),然后再解决次要的问题。
  • 不要怕当胆小鬼。如果你没有取胜的机会,就要尽量保存你的实力然后逃跑。如果你马上就要被杀了,并且一点扭转局势的希望都没有,快跑!也不要让自己被引诱进单挑之中(除非你有十足把握和优势能赢):记住,你的脑筋比你的游戏中的力气更有用!(两种都用上的话最好!)最重要的是:灵活运用你所处的环境。举个例子: 如果你身处丛林生物群系,可以冲进林中,借助树木作为掩护,然后打你的敌人一个措手不及!或者:如果你在一个有着铁傀儡的大村庄里,试着让敌人去打中它,接着逃开,并趁机狙击你的敌人。如果你在海洋生物群系中的一个小岛上:坐船冲进海里,稍微与陆地拉开一点距离,接着你就可以享受用弓和箭狙击陆地上穿着钻石重甲的敌人的乐趣。如果你按这样做能成功的话,那么所有的胜利都将属于你!记住,也许你的剑很强劲,但是如果你肯动脑筋的话,你的弓的威力会更强。还有,不要害怕使用药水:在面对一群不用药水的敌人时,你的药水可以带给你很大的优势。
  • 评估自己所处的形势。换句话说,考虑你的优势和敌人的优势,然后权衡比较。有时候你还要猜。 最能决定你是处于优势还是劣势的方面有:
  1. 盔甲、盔甲的附魔
  2. 剑、剑的附魔
  3. 弓、弓的附魔
  4. 末影珍珠、传送门
  5. 药水、技能以及饥饿


其实,取胜并不一定要凭借好的装备。我们假设:你的基地在空中,还有个装了一些材料的公共箱子。就在这时你和队友发现:你们的基地正在遭受入侵!此时箱子里有一些线与圆石。敌人穿了铁盔甲,但是附魔属性未知。Let's say that your base is in the sky with a public chest containing some equipment. Then, all of a sudden, you come down with one teammate and realize that the base is being raided! In the chest, you find some string and cobblestone. The enemies are in iron armor, but enchantments are unknown due to this being before the 1.3 update. Now, if the raider's armor was not enchanted, then you're in luck. A stone sword against iron armor with no buffs deals a full heart of damage. A fully charged bow does about as much damage as a diamond sword. Even if you have no armor, you still somewhat stand a chance against those two since it's you and your teammate fighting them. You do not need to be the same size as long as you can beat them. (Fun fact: This was a true story and the contributor who wrote this probably would have repelled the raiders if he had known this earlier!) If you and your team mate are strategic, let's say they stick together, and your enemy doesn't, then you are almost guaranteed to kill them, that is if both of you have at least stone swords and he is alone with an iron sword and full iron armor. If you got lucky enough to mine a diamond sword, bring that out too: if you can, enchant with even just Sharpness I, which will do about 1.5-2.5 hearts every hit. If you somehow have gotten a Strength II potion, maybe by buying it on a server, then DRINK IT! It will multiply your damage by 3.6, so that 2.5 hearts, if you make that a critical hit (by falling when attacking) (will do 3.0-3.5 hearts) WITH Strength II, then you just might have killed your opponent in one or two hits.

  • Get to your senses.

You may be thinking that people who have lost so much that their anger is uncontrollable are going to go psycho to win and when people come with supreme equipment you should be scared out of your wits, since that "causes" adrenaline. No! Anger and fear are both factors to defeat. When either happens, whether it be an attempt to kill a guy who has diamond armor with your fists or combat logging just because you are so scared that you have to go to the bathroom of fear of peeing in your pants, you will most likely forget all the tips you have learned until you get back to your senses. Avoid that. Now, you must stay calm. Run for cover, and don't stop to watch the deaths of your teammates. If you have one, drink a Potion of Swiftness (second tier is highly recommended), and keep running. Do not turn back, do not look back, do think of what's back there, and do not stop. Just keep running until you reach safety, whether it be allied or peaceful territory, or a secret place. Don't stop. Stay sharp. (If you can, bring a fat friend along with you and hope the lethal enemies kill him and not you.)

  • 和谐社会。

还记得上面说过“不要相信任何人”吗? Your turn to chip in to taking a stab at backstabbing.现在轮到你来影响那些暗箭伤人者了。在你的帮派里创造出和谐的气氛。要知道:这些人的唯一目的是在不被觊觎的同时得到补给品。Their only purpose is to earn supplies while being impossible to touch.

  • 钻石并不是胜利的关键。



还有,保持敏捷、镇定(带着你的火焰附加的剑与火矢的弓)。如果你找到一些地图生成错误形成的通向虚空的通道,好好利用它们。不要忘记用箭、火焰弹和伤害药水填满你的发射器(这是因为这些东西造成的伤害直接穿过他们的盔甲,即使钻石盔甲也无法幸免)。along with fire aspect swords and bows, along with you. And if you find generation errors that create gateways to the Void, use them. Don't forget to keep your dispensers loaded and ready to fire with arrows, damage splash potions, and fire charges. The reason why this equipment and these traps can beat people in diamond is because they go right through their armor.没有什么东西(钻石盔甲也不行)可以抵抗它们的效果。(箭除外。着火、药水效果和坠入虚空造成的伤害是仅有的不受装甲影响的伤害来源。)更好的是,一瓶隐身药就会让袭击者晕头转向,搞不清你的袭击是从哪里来的。


