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想要在示例颗粒包启用的情况下调用示例颗粒,首先唤起控制台,键入"/particle name x y z"(这里的"name"为颗粒效果的名称,x/y/z为颗粒效果出现的位置)。

例如,输入"/particle minecraft:example_smoke_puff 0 5 0"指令会在世界出生点生成一团距世界底部5格高的烟雾;
而"/particle minecraft:example_smoke_puff ~ ~1 ~5"指令则会将烟雾生成在玩家的5格开外。

Name Description
minecraft:example_beziercurve 在效果中展示Bezier曲线的运用
minecraft:example_bounce 展示颗粒的碰撞检测与弹跳效果
minecraft:example_catmullromcurve 在效果中展示catmull-rom曲线的运用
minecraft:example_colorcurve 在效果中展示色彩渐变的运用
minecraft:example_colorcurve2 在效果中展示协同可变间距的色彩渐变的运用
minecraft:example_combocurve 在效果中展示各类曲线的运用
minecraft:example_directional_sphere Demonstrates the use of directional billboard facing in an effect
minecraft:example_entity_sparkle_box When attached to an entity, this effect creates a sparkle effect in a box around the entity
minecraft:example_entity_sparkle_aabb When attached to an entity, this effect creates a sparkle effect with the rough axis-aligned bounding box around the entity
minecraft:example_expire_on_contact Demonstrates particles disappearing when colliding with the terrain
minecraft:example_flipbook Demonstrates texture uv flipbook technique, of applying successive frames of a texture for visual animation
minecraft:example_highrestitution Demonstrates particle collision with particles gaining energy on each bounce
minecraft:example_linearcurve Demonstrates a piecewise linear curve in an effect
minecraft:example_particle_event_system Demonstrates various particle events executing
minecraft:example_smoke_puff Demonstrates a general smoke puff effect
minecraft:example_spiral Demonstrates a parametric motion spiral effect
minecraft:example_watertest Demonstrates excluding particles from various block types, in this case, particles only survive in water
minecraft:fireworks_events_demo Demonstrates sequencing various particle effects together via events to create a fireworks effect











名称 描述
variable.particle_lifetime 颗粒持续时间。
variable.particle_age 颗粒当前寿命。
variable.particle_random_1 一个从0.0到1.0的随机数,在颗粒的持续时间内保持不变。
variable.particle_random_2 另一个从0.0到1.0的随机数,在颗粒的持续时间内保持不变。
variable.particle_random_3 第三个从0.0到1.0的随机数,在颗粒的持续时间内保持不变。
variable.particle_random_4 第四个从0.0到1.0的随机数,在颗粒的持续时间内保持不变。
variable.emitter_lifetime 发射容器的当前循环持续多长时间。
variable.emitter_age 发射容器当前循环启动后的寿命。
variable.emitter_random_1 一个从0.0到1.0的随机数,在发射容器的当前循环内保持不变。
variable.emitter_random_2 另一个从0.0到1.0的随机数,在发射容器的当前循环内保持不变。
variable.emitter_random_3 第三个从0.0到1.0的随机数,在发射容器的当前循环内保持不变。
variable.emitter_random_4 第四个从0.0到1.0的随机数,在发射容器的当前循环内保持不变。
variable.entity_scale 当效果附加到一个实体时,此值是实体的大小比例



  "format_version": "1.10.0",
  "particle_effect": {
    "description": {
      "identifier": <string>, 
      // 如:“minecraft:test_effect”为要引用的颗粒
      "basic_render_parameters": {
          "material": <string> 
          // 发射容器要引用的材料
          "texture": <string> 
          // 发射容器要引用的材质
    "curves": {
      // 曲线的详细定义
      // 发射频率组件

      // 发射寿命组件

      // 发射形状(或通过颗粒发射位置和方向定义其形状的)组件

      // 发射容器本地空间组件

      // 控制颗粒初始状态的组件

      // 控制/引导颗粒行为的组件

      // 影响颗粒渲染方式的组件

      // 影响颗粒寿命的组件


  // specifies the format version of the particle.  Only particles of a particular set of versions 
  // will work with the game
  "format_version": "1.10.0",

  "particle_effect": {
    // general data for the particle effect
    "description": {
      // e.g. "minecraft:test_mule", this is the name the particle emitter is referred to as
      "identifier": <string>, 

      // Basic render parameters are basic rendering 
      // properties like the texture used, or the material used.
      // All particles require a material to render, and a 
      // texture to draw.  
      "basic_render_parameters": {
          "material": <string>
          "texture": <string>

    "curves": {
	  // curves are described elsewhere in the document

    "events": {
      // events are described elsewhere in the document

    "components: {
        // Emitter related components
        // these components primarily affect the emitter bevahior

        // emitter initial state components set up the emitter with
        // particular properties

        // emitter rate components control when particles get emitted
        // these will be run every frame for the emitter to determine if any 
        // particles need to be spawned

        // emitter lifetime components control the lifetime of the emitter
        // and the "enabled/disabled" state of the emitter.
        // Emitters can only spawn particles if enabled.

        // emitter shapecomponents control where a particle gets emitted
        // and initial shape-driven state such as particle direction

        // emitter local space components
        // this component specifies whether entity-based emitters 
        // simulate in local or global space

        // Particle related components
        // these components primarily affect the particle behavior

        // particle initial condition components control what the initial state
        // of the particles is, such as initial speed, rotation, etc.
        // These are run once at particle creation

        // particle motion components control what happens to the particle
        // on frames after creation, such as it's position (for
        // a parametric particle), drag/acceleration (for a dynamic
        // particle), etc.
        // These are run once per frame per particle

        // particle appearance components control how the particle is rendered 
        // such as what UV coortinates to use, size of the particle,
        // billboard orientation, color tinting, etc.
        // These are run once per frame for visible particles

        // these components handle when the particle expires


Curves are interpolation values, with inputs from 0 to 1, and outputs based on the curve. The result of the curve is a MoLang variable of the same name that can be referenced in MoLang in components. For each rendering frame for each particle, the curves are evaluated and the result is placed in a MoLang variable of the name of the curve.

    "curves": {
      // "molangvar" is the MoLang variable to be used later in MoLang expressions
      // for example "variable.mycurve" here would make the result of the curve
      // available in MoLang as "variable.mycurve".  Note that all variables must begin with "variable."
      "molangvar": {
        // type can be "linear", "bezier", or "catmull_rom"
        "type": type, 

        // control nodes for curve.  These are assumed to be equally
        // spaced, e.g. first node is at input value 0, second at 0.25, etc
        "nodes": [<float/molang>, <float/molang>, <float/molang>, <float/molang>],

        // what is the input value to use
        "input": <float/molang>,

        // what is the range the input is mapped onto
        // between 0 and this value
        "horizontal_range": <float/molang>


Events are particle events that can be triggered elsewhere in the .json. An event triggers a particle effect. If the type is "emitter", this will create an emitter of "effect" type at the event's world position, in a fire-and-forget way. "emitter_bound" works similarly, except if the spawning emitter is bound to an actor/locator, the new emitter will be bound to the same actor/locator. If the type is "particle", then the event will manually emit a particle on an emitter of "effect" type at the event location, creating the emitter if it doesn't already exist (be sure to use "minecraft:emitter_rate_manual" for the spawned emitter effect). "particle_with_velocity" will do the same as "particle" except the new particle will inherit the spawning particle's velocity.

The events themselves consist of an optional node tree and/or an actual event. When "sequence" is specified, that array will execute in order, with every element executing when that event fires. When using "random", one element will be picked from the array based on the weight.

	// events block:
	"events": {

	// structure of an event, note that nesting can be any combination of "sequence", or "randomize"
      "event_name": {
        "sequence": [
          { /*this node executes first*/ },
          { /*this node executes second*/ },
          { /* etc */},
            "sequence": [
                // nested nodes
            "randomize": [
                "weight": <float>
                /* data for this option, including other sequences/randoms */

      // Fields for a particlar event.  Note that any of the above nodes can have events inserted into their blocks.
      "event_subpart": {
          "particle_effect": {
            // identifier of the effect
            "effect": <string>,
            // "emitter", "emitter_bound", "particle" or "particle_with_velocity"
            "type": <string>,
            // this MoLang is run on the emitter for this event once this
            // event fires
            // NOTE: this will not have access to the event
            // triggering emitter's MoLang data
            "pre_effect_expression": <string>,
          // Runs this MoLang expression on the event-firing emitter
          "expression": <string>,
          // for debugging, this will log a message, along with the firing effect's name and event position
          // the log message will show up in the content logger
          "log": <string>

    // simple example:
    "events": {
        "event_name1": {
            "particle_effect": {
                "effect": "a_particle_effect",
                "type": "emitter"



<float> - 接受浮点数输入的字段
<float/molang> - 接受浮点数或MoLang表达式输入的字段
<default:val> - 如果字段未指定输入则使用指定的默认值
<bool> - true或false
<string> - 字符串
<default> - 不属于特定行的部分,如果字段未指定输入则使用其默认值

发射容器类组件(Emitter Components)

发射容器寿命类组件(Emitter Lifetime Components)

发射容器寿命表达式组件(Emitter Lifetime Expression component)


"minecraft:emitter_lifetime_expression": {
    // When the expression is non-zero, the emitter will emit particles.
    // Evaluated every frame
    "activation_expression": <float/molang> <default:1>

    // Emitter will expire if the expression is non-zero.
    // Evaluated every frame
    "expiration_expression": <float/molang> <default:0>

发射容器循环执行组件(Emitter Lifetime Looping component)


"minecraft:emitter_lifetime_looping": {

    // emitter will emit particles for this time per loop
    // evaluated once per particle emitter loop
    "active_time": <float/molang> <default:10>

    // emitter will pause emitting particles for this time per loop
    // evaluated once per particle emitter loop
    "sleep_time": <float/molang> <default:0>

发射容器单次执行组件(Emitter Lifetime Once component)


"minecraft:emitter_lifetime_once": {
    // how long the particles emit for
    // evaluated once
    "active_time": <float/molang> <default:10>

发射容器频率类组件(Emitter Rate Components)

发射容器即时释放组件(Emitter Rate Instant component)


"minecraft:emitter_rate_instant": {
    // this many particles are emitted at once
    // evaluated once per particle emitter loop
    "num_particles": <float/molang> <default:10>

发射容器手动释放组件(Emitter Rate Manual component)


"minecraft:emitter_rate_manual": {
    // evaluated once per particle emitted
    "max_particles": <float/molang> <default:50>

发射容器稳定释放组件(Emitter Rate Steady component)


"minecraft:emitter_rate_steady": {
    // how often a particle is emitted, in particles/sec
    // evaluated once per particle emitted
    "spawn_rate": <float/molang> <default:1>

    // maximum number of particles that can be active at once for this emitter
    // evaluated once per particle emitter loop
    "max_particles": <float/molang> <default:50>

发射容器形状类组件(Emitter Shape Components)


发射容器自定义形状组件(Emitter Shape Custom component)


"minecraft:emitter_shape_custom": {
    // specifies the offset from the emitter to emit the particles
    // evaluated once per particle emitted
    "offset": [<float/molang>, <float/molang>, <float/molang>] <default:[0, 0, 0]>

    // specifies the direciton for the particle
    // evaluated once per particle emitted
    "direction": [<float/molang>, <float/molang>, <float/molang>] <default:[0, 0, 0]>    

发射容器轴向边界盒形状组件(Emitter Shape Entity-AABB component)

所有粒子均从释放器所依附实体(当无实体时为释放点)的轴向边界盒(Axis-Aligned Bounding Box;AABB)被释放出。

"minecraft:emitter_shape_entity_aabb": {
    // evaluated once per particle emitted
    "direction": [<float/molang>, <float/molang>, <float/molang>] <default:[0, 0, 0]>    

发射容器偏移点组件(Emitter Shape Point component)


"minecraft:emitter_shape_point": {
    // specifies the offset from the emitter to emit the particles
    // evaluated once per particle emitted
    "offset": [<float/molang>, <float/molang>, <float/molang>] <default:[0, 0, 0]>

    // specifies the direciton of particles.  
    // evaluated once per particle emitted
    "direction": [<float/molang>, <float/molang>, <float/molang>]

发射容器球体形状组件(Emitter Shape Sphere component)


"minecraft:emitter_shape_sphere": {
    // specifies the offset from the emitter to emit the particles
    // evaluated once per particle emitted
    "offset": [<float/molang>, <float/molang>, <float/molang>] <default:[0, 0, 0]>

    // sphere radius
    // evaluated once per particle emitted
    "radius": <float/molang> <default:1>

    // emit only from the surface of the sphere
    "surface_only": <bool> <default:false>

    // specifies the direciton of particles.  Defaults to "outwards"
    "direction": "inwards" // particle direction towards center of sphere
    "direction": "outwards" // particle direction away from center of sphere
    // evaluated once per particle emitted
    "direction": [<float/molang>, <float/molang>, <float/molang>]

初始状态类组件(Initial State components)

发射容器本地空间组件(Emitter Local Space component)


"minecraft:emitter_local_space": {
    "position": <bool>
    "rotation": <bool>

颗粒类组件(Particle Components)

颗粒外形类组件(Particle Appearance Components)

颗粒告示牌组件(Particle Appearance Billboard component)


"minecraft:particle_appearance_billboard": {
    // specifies the x/y size of the billboard
    // evaluated every frame
    "size": [<float/molang>, <float/molang>],

    // used to orient the billboard.  Options are:
    // "rotate_xyz" - aligned to the camera, perpendicular to the view axis
    // "rotate_y" -aligned to camera, but rotating around world y axis
    // "lookat_xyz" - aimed at the camera, biased towards world y up
    // "lookat_y" - aimed at the camera, but rotating around world y axis
    // "direction" - billboard is aligned perpendicular to the direction vector, 
    //    e.g. a direction of [0, 1, 0] would have the particle facing upwards
    "face_camera_mode": <string>

    // specifies the UVs for the particle.  
    "uv": {
        // specifies the assumed texture width/height
        // defaults to 1
        // when set to 1, UV's work just like normalized UV's
		// when set to the texture width/height, this works like texels
        "texturewidth": <int>,
        "textureheight": <int>,

        // Assuming the specified texture width and height, use these 
        // uv coordinates.  
        // evaluated every frame
        "uv": [<float/molang>, <float/molang>],
        "uv_size": [<float/molang>, <float/molang>],

        // alternate way via specifying a flipbook animation
		// a flipbook animation uses pieces of the texture to animate, by stepping over time from one 
		// "frame" to another
        "flipbook": {
            "base_UV": [ <float/molang>, <float/molang> ], // upper-left corner of starting UV patch
            "size_UV": [ <float>, <float> ], // size of UV patch
            "step_UV": [ <float>, <float> ], // how far to move the UV patch each frame
            "frames_per_second": <float>, // default frames per second
            "max_frame": <float/molang>, // maximum frame number, with first frame being frame 1
            "stretch_to_lifetime": <bool>, // optional, adjust fps to match lifetime of particle. default=false
            "loop":  <bool> // optional, makes the animation loop when it reaches the end? default=false

颗粒光源组件(Particle Appearance Lighting)


"minecraft:particle_appearance_lighting": {}

颗粒外形着色组件(Particle Appearance Tinging component)
// color fields are special, they can be either an RGB, or a "#RRGGBB"
// field (or RGBA or "AARRGGBB").  If RGB(A), the channels are
// from 0 to 1.  If the string is "#RRGGBB" or "#AARRGGBB", the values are
// hex from 00 to ff.
// this pseudo-type will be denoted by <color>
"minecraft:particle_appearance_tinting": {
    // interpolation based color
    "color": {
        // an array of colors
        // it is assumed that the colors are equally spaced for interpolation
        // and that the range of the color interpolation values are 0 to 1
        // for example, a 3 color "color" field with an interpolant value
        // of 0.5 would pick the second color
        "gradient": [ <color>, <color>, ...],
        "interpolant": <float/molang> // hint: use a curve here!

    // directly set the color
    "color": <color>

颗粒初始状态类组件(Particle Initial State Components)

颗粒初始速度组件(Particle Initial Speed Component)


// evaluated once
"minecraft:particle_initial_speed": <float/molang> <default:0>

颗粒初始状态组件(Particle Initial State Component)


"minecraft:particle_initial_spin": {
    // specifies the initial rotation in degrees
    // evaluated once
    "rotation": <float/molang> <default:0>

    // specifies the spin rate in degrees/second
    // evaluated once
    "rotation_rate": <float/molang> <default:0>

颗粒寿命类组件(Particle Lifetime Components)

方块中终止颗粒组件(Particle Expire If In Blocks component)


"minecraft:particle_expire_if_in_blocks" [
    // minecraft block names, e.g. 'minecraft:water', 'minecraft:air'
    // these are typically the same name as in the /setblock command
    // except for the minecraft: prefix

方块中不终止粒子组件(Particle Expire If Not In Blocks component)


"minecraft:particle_expire_if_not_in_blocks" [
    // minecraft block names, e.g. 'minecraft:water', 'minecraft:air'
    // these are typically the same name as in the /setblock command
    // except for the minecraft: prefix

颗粒寿命表达式组件(Particle Lifetime Expression component)


"minecraft:particle_lifetime_expression": {
    // this expression makes the particle expire when true (non-zero)
    // The float/expr is evaluated once per particle
    // evaluated every frame
    "expiration_expression": <float/molang> <default:0>
	// alternate way to express lifetime
    // particle will expire after this much time
    // evaluated once
    "max_lifetime": <float/molang>

颗粒运动类组件(Particle Motion Components)

颗粒运动碰撞组件(Particle Motion Collision component)


"minecraft:particle_motion_collision": {
    // enables collision when true/non-zero.
    // evaluated every frame
    "enabled": <bool/molang> <default:true>

    // alters the speed of the particle when it has collided
    // useful for emulating friction/drag when colliding, e.g a particle
    // that hits the ground would slow to a stop.
    // This drag slows down the particle by this amount in blocks/sec
    // when in contact
    "collision_drag": <float>

    // used for bouncing/not-bouncing
    // Set to 0.0 to not bounce, 1.0 to bounce back up to original height
    // and in-between to lose speed after bouncing.  Set to >1.0 to gain height each bounce
    "coefficient_of_restitution": <float>

    // used to minimize interpenetration of particles with the environment
    // note that this must be less than or equal to 1/2 block
    "collision_radius": <float>

颗粒运动动态组件(Particle Motion Dynamic component)


"minecraft:particle_motion_dynamic": {
    // the linear acceleration applied to the particle, defaults to [0, 0, 0].
    // Units are blocks/sec/sec
    // An example would be gravity which is [0, -9.8, 0]
    // evaluated every frame
    "linear_acceleration": [<float/molang>, <float/molang>, <float/molang>],

    // using the equation:
    // acceleration = -linear_drag_coefficient*velocity
    // where velocity is the current direction times speed
    // Think of this as air-drag.  The higher the value, the more drag
    // evaluated every frame
    "linear_drag_coefficient": <float/molang> <default:0>

    // acceleration applies to the rotation speed of the particle
    // think of a disc spinning up or a smoke puff that starts rotating
    // but slows down over time
    // evaluated every frame
    // acceleration is in degrees/sec/sec
    "rotation_acceleration" <float/molang> <default:0>

    // drag applied to retard rotation
    // equation is rotation_acceleration += -rotation_rate*rotation_drag_coefficient
    // useful to slow a rotation, or to limit the rotation acceleration
    // Think of a disc that speeds up (acceleration) 
    // but reaches a terminal speed (drag)
    // Another use is if you have a particle growing in size, having
    // the rotation slow down due to drag can add "weight" to the particle's
    // motion
    "rotation_drag_coefficient" <float/molang> <default:0>

粒子运动参数组件(Particle Motion Parametric component)


"minecraft:particle_motion_parametric": {
    // directly set the position relative to the emitter. 
    // E.g. a spiral might be:
    // "relative_position": ["Math.cos(Params.LifeTime)", 1.0, 
    //                       "Math.sin(Params.Lifetime)"]
    // defaults to [0, 0, 0]
    // evaluated every frame
    "relative_position": [<float/molang> <float/molang> <float/molang>]

    // directly set the 3d direction of the particle
    // doesn't affect direction if not specified
    // evaluated every frame
    "direction": [<float/molang> <float/molang> <float/molang]

    // directly set the rotation of the particle
    // evaluated every frame
    "rotation": <float/molang> <default:0>





  "format_version": "1.8.0",
  "particles": {
    "minecraft:basic_flame_particle": {
      "basic_render_parameters": {
        "material": "particles_alpha",
        "texture": "textures/particle/particles"
      "components": {
        "minecraft:emitter_rate_instant": {
          "num_particles": 1
        "minecraft:emitter_lifetime_once": {
          "active_time": 0
        "minecraft:emitter_shape_sphere": {
          "radius": 0.025,
          "direction": [ 0, 0, 0 ]
        "minecraft:particle_lifetime_expression": {
          "max_lifetime": "Math.random(0.6, 2.0) "
		"minecraft:particle_appearance_billboard": {
			"size": [
				"(0.1 + variable.ParticleRandom1*0.1) - (0.1 * variable.ParticleAge)",
					"(0.1 + variable.ParticleRandom1*0.1) - (0.1 * variable.ParticleAge)"
				"facing_camera_mode" : "lookat_xyz",
					"uv" : {
					"texturewidth": 128,
						"textureheight" : 128,
						"uv" : [0, 24],
						"uv_size" : [8, 8]





  "format_version": "1.8.0",
  "particles": {
    "minecraft:basic_smoke_particle": {
      "basic_render_parameters": {
        "material": "particles_alpha",
        "texture": "textures/particle/particles"
      "components": {
        "minecraft:emitter_rate_instant": {
          "num_particles": 1
        "minecraft:emitter_lifetime_once": {
          "active_time": 0
        "minecraft:emitter_shape_custom": {
          "offset": [ 0, 0, 0 ],
          "direction": [ "Math.random(-0.1, 0.1)", 1.0, "Math.random(-0.1, 0.1)" ]
		"minecraft:particle_initial_speed": 1.0,
			"minecraft:particle_lifetime_expression" : {
			"max_lifetime": "Math.random(0.4, 1.4)"
			"minecraft:particle_motion_dynamic" : {
				"linear_acceleration": [0, 0.4, 0]
				"minecraft:particle_appearance_billboard" : {
					"size": [0.1, 0.1],
						"facing_camera_mode" : "lookat_xyz",
						"uv" : {
						"texturewidth": 128,
							"textureheight" : 128,
							"flipbook" : {
							"base_UV": [56, 0],
								"size_UV" : [8, 8],
								"step_UV" : [-8, 0],
								"frames_per_second" : 8,
								"max_frame" : 8,
								"stretch_to_lifetime" : true,
								"loop" : false
					"minecraft:particle_appearance_tinting": {
					"color": ["variable.ParticleRandom1*0.5", "variable.ParticleRandom1*0.5", "variable.ParticleRandom1*0.5", 1.0]
					"minecraft:particle_appearance_lighting" : {}





  "format_version": "1.8.0",
  "particles": {
    "minecraft:mobflame_emitter": {
      "basic_render_parameters": {
        "material": "particles_alpha",
        "texture": "textures/flame_atlas"
      "components": {
        "minecraft:emitter_local_space": {
          "position": true,
          "rotation": true
        "minecraft:emitter_rate_steady": {
          "spawn_rate": "Math.random(15, 25)",
          "max_particles": 50
        "minecraft:emitter_lifetime_expression": {
          "activation_expression": 1,
          "expiration_expression": 0
        "minecraft:emitter_shape_entity_aabb": {
          "direction": [ 0, 1, 0 ]
        "minecraft:particle_initial_speed": "Math.random(0, 1)",
        "minecraft:particle_lifetime_expression": {
          "max_lifetime": 1.25
        "minecraft:particle_motion_dynamic": {
          "linear_acceleration": [ 0, 1.0, 0 ],
          "linear_drag_coefficient": 0.0
        "minecraft:particle_appearance_billboard": {
          "size": [ 0.5, 0.5 ],
          "facing_camera_mode": "lookat_xyz",
          "uv": {
            "texturewidth": 1,
            "textureheight": 32,
            "flipbook": {
              "base_UV": [ 0, 0 ],
              "size_UV": [ 1, 1 ],
              "step_UV": [ 0, 1 ],
              "frames_per_second": 32,
              "max_frame": 32,
              "stretch_to_lifetime": true,
              "loop": false



  "format_version": "1.8.0",
  "particles": {
    "minecraft:bounce": {
      "basic_render_parameters": {
        "material": "particles_alpha",
        "texture": "textures/particle/particles"
      "components": {
        "minecraft:emitter_rate_instant": {
          "num_particles": 100
        "minecraft:emitter_lifetime_once": {
          "active_time": 2
        "minecraft:emitter_shape_sphere": {
          "offset": [ "Math.random(-0.5, 0.5)", "Math.random(-0.5, 0.5)", "Math.random(-0.5, 0.5)" ],
          "direction": "outwards",
          "radius": 1
        "minecraft:particle_initial_speed": 5.0,
        "minecraft:particle_initial_spin": {
          "rotation": "Math.random(0, 360)",
          "rotation_rate": 0
        "minecraft:particle_lifetime_expression": {
          "max_lifetime": "5"
        "minecraft:particle_motion_dynamic": {
          "linear_acceleration": [ 0, -9.8, 0 ]
        "minecraft:particle_motion_collision": {
          "coefficient_of_restitution": 0.5,
          "collision_drag": 4,
          "collision_radius": 0.1
        "minecraft:particle_appearance_billboard": {
          "size": [ "0.1", "0.1" ],
          "facing_camera_mode": "rotate_xyz",
          "uv": {
            "texturewidth": 128,
            "textureheight": 128,
            "uv": [ 0, 16 ],
            "uv_size": [ 8, 8 ]
        "minecraft:particle_appearance_lighting": {}


基岩引擎中粒子释放的主要用途是释放与实体,如怪物,相关联的粒子,例如烈焰人 在攻击程式中燃起火焰,或唤魔者在召唤恼鬼时的魔咒效果。其目标是允许对关联于实体的粒子的约束及管理。

- 效果列表 它们与材质等一同存在于实体的资源定义.json文件中。它们列出了可用于实体的效果,伴有一个针对效果的内部实体名称,以及将要进行的关联效果。
- 定位器 它们存在于几何文件中并指定了一个几何位置。这些定位器可被关联于主架构,因而可以在动作时跟随主架构。
- 基于动画控制器的颗粒管理 利用动画控制器形态的机械概念,一触而发的以及持续的粒子效果都可以被启动。
- 动画时轴颗粒管理 因其为实体动画.json文件的一部分,我们可以设置一条在动画播放时于特定时间触发粒子效果的时间轴。 需要注意:其仅需要动画的.json结构,而非实际的物理动画。


效果列表(Effect Lists)


  "format_version": "1.8.0",
  "minecraft:client_entity": {
    "description": {
      "identifier": "minecraft:entity_name",
       "particle_effects": {
            "shorthand_name1": "effect_name1",
            "shorthand_name2": "effect_name2",


  "format_version": "1.8.0",
  "minecraft:client_entity": {
    "description": {
      "identifier": "minecraft:blaze",


       "particle_effects": {
            "charged_flames": "minecraft:mobflame_emitter"



效果事件(Effect Events)

- “effect”是由实体的资源定义.json文件(粒子效果列表)所指定的效果名称。它指定了何种粒子效果应被启动或播放。
- “locator”是一个用以定向资源定义文件中同名定位器的可选参数。通过指定定位器,粒子释放器将会在实体动画进行时绕跟该定位器,包含其方向。如果其未被指定,效果将在实体原位置产生。
- “pre_effect_script”是一个在粒子释放器启动时运行的可选参数,其本质为一个MoLang表达式。它可以设置随后可被粒子效果的.json文件内部参考到的MoLang变量(例如“particle color”,即粒子颜色)。

    "effect": "internal_name",
    "locator": "locator_name", // optional
    "pre_effect_script" // optional

动画控制器效果(Animation Controller Effects)


"particle_effects": [
// array of effect events


  "format_version": "1.8.0",
  "animation_controllers": {


    "controller.animation.blaze.flame": {
      "states": {
        "default": {
          "transitions": [
            { "flaming": "query.is_charged" }
        "flaming": {
          "particle_effects": [
              "effect": "charged_flames"
          "transitions": [
            { "default": "!query.is_charged" }




  "format_version": "1.8.0",
  "animation_controllers": {
    "controller.animation.evoker.general": {
      "states": {
        "default": {
          "transitions": [
            { "casting": "query.is_casting" }
        "casting": {
          "particle_effects": [
              "effect": "spell",
              "locator": "left_hand"
              "effect": "spell",
              "locator": "right_hand"
          "transitions": [
            { "default": "!query.is_casting" }

动画时轴效果(Animation Timeline Effects)


"particle_effects": {
    "time1" : [
        // array of effect events
    "time2" : [
        // array of effect events
    "time3" : {
      // single effect



  "format_version": "1.8.0",
  "animations": {
    "animation.cat.sit": {
      "loop": true,
      "animation_length": 5.0,
      "bones": {
          // bone animation stuff
      "particle_effects": {
        "3.0": [
            "effect": "smoke_puff"

